derivative of Latin toxicum poison < Greek toxikón (orig. short for toxikòn phármakon literally, bow poison, i.e., poison used on arrows) =tóx(on) bow + -ikon, neuter of -ikos -ic] tox′i•cal•ly, adv. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K ...
The word “parasite” (from Ancient Greek,parasitos:para = beside,sitos = food) means literally a person that eats at the table of another. In the figurative sense, corrupt politicians that make the use their political power and public resources for their own benefit may be called ...
"We're very encouraged by the agreement," Heil said. "It's a very long-term project, but we believe it's very positive." "The CALFED plan is a magnificent step in the right direction to answer many long-term water issues in California," said Joseph Grindstaff, general manager of the...