We present the results of tests done to determine the tensile behavior of first-year columnar sea ice over a range of temperatures from 20° to 3°C and strain rates of 105 and 103s1. The temperature of a test specimen was dictated by its in-situ location within the sea-ice sheet; sa...
First-year sea ice with a columnar grain size on the tensile surface of 2.4 mm, laboratory-grown freshwater columnar ice with a columnar grain site of 3.4 mm on the tensile surface, and granular iceberg ice of 5.8 mm grain size were loaded to failure at a calculated strain rate at the ...
\(\Sigma _{\mathrm {0}}\) is the local tensile strength, U is half of the crack opening displacement (COD) and \(U_{\mathrm {cr}}\) half of the critical separation at which the traction in the cohesive zone becomes zero, B is the physical crack length. When the cohesive size \...
2. Geological evidence for strong seasonality 3. Palaeolatitude of Proterozoic glacial successions 4. Proterozoic glaciation and Earth's climate system 5. Conclusions Acknowledgements References VitaeShow full outline Cited by (34) Figures (12) Show 6 more figures Tables (1) Table 1Geoscience...
Assur, A. (1958) Composition of sea ice and its tensile strength. In Arctic Sea Ice, U.S. National Academy of Sciences — National Research Council, Pub. 598, p. 106–138. Google Scholar Assur, A. and W. F. Weeks (1964) Growth, structure, and strength of sea ice. USA Cold Regio...
Concrete is strong in compression but breaks easily in tension, so the invention of reinforced steel-concrete toward the end of the 19th century in France, which lends concrete some of steel's tensile strength, enabled concrete to be used more widely in construction. 15. Magnifying glass Roger...
However, the geology suggests that confining materials, possibly akin to shale, must be weak and unable to bear such high stresses, with shale's tensile strength at ~5 MPa148. Hence, the cumulative weight of overlying strata, and the expansion of cryo-trapped ice within these formations could...
The presence or strength of these dynamical conditions may vary from year to year, thus impacting the timing and occurrence of lake drainage events. The absence, or reduced impact, of certain ice dynamical conditions in 2018 may have allowed some lakes to grow larger and refreeze, in contrast...
Studies have shown that with the decrease of freezing temperature, the unfrozen water content of rock decreases [6], and the compressive strength and tensile strength and the resistance to deformation increase [7,8]. The main factors affecting the strength of frozen rock are the ice crystal ...
year ice ridge specimens taken from the Barents Sea and Fram Strait at different strain rates, and found that, for mixed ice (a mixture of granular ice and columnar ice), the ductile compressive strength was higher than the brittle compressive strength. Moslet [16] also performed a series ...