必应词典为您提供the-Tennessee-Valley-Authority的释义,na. 田纳西流域(水利工程)管理局;
In the wake of the Great Depression, one of Franklin Roosevelt's most successful New Deal programs was the formation of the Tennessee Valley Authority, a federal governmentowned corporation created in 1933 to revitalize the Tennessee River Valley. The TVA provided navigation, flood control, electrici...
The Tennessee Valley Authority: Design and Persuasion , the most in-depth examination of the TVA ever assembled, includes essays by experts in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, graphic design, industrial design, and the fine arts.In serving the social, political, and economic ...
The New Deal created the Agricultural Adjustment Administration(Aaa) to provide federalsubsidiesto farmers and created countless new jobs through the formation of the Civil Conservation Corps(Ccc), the Civil Works Administration(Cwa), the Public Works Administration(Pwa), and the Tennessee Valley Autho...
(Cwa), the Public Works Administration(Pwa), and the Tennessee Valley Authority(Tva). The Federal Emergency Relief Administration(Fera) was also established to provide relief on the state level, while the National Industrial Recovery Act(Nira) was passed to bail out the nation’s failing ...
For the last several years, coal plants have been shutting down across the country, driven by tougher environmental regulations, flattening electricity demand and a move by utilities toward natural gas. This month, the board of directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority, the country’s largest pub...
The Tennessee Valley Authority has been studied as the most important experiment in regional planning in the history of the United States. Many of the agency's administrative procedures, particularly related to planning, were established during the TVA's first decade of existence. The following ...
This technical paper presents a broad overview of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), recognized worldly as the model for river basin development and management. The objective of the study - while presenting its history, conception and development, institutions and programs - is to summarize those...
Tennessee Valley Authority; Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 1; Exemption1.0BackgroundThe Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA, the licensee) is the holder of Facility Operating License No. DPR-33, which authorizes operation of the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant,...
Work of the Tennessee Valley AuthorityTHE article "T.V.A. An Achievement of Democratic Planning", by Dr. Julian Huxley, which occupies the greater part of the June number ofdoi:10.1038/152073a0NoneNature