What is the temporal lobe? Parts of the Brain: The brain is a complex structure with a variety of parts with different functions. For example, the cerebrum includes the left and right hemispheres and takes control of vision, hearing, touch, and speech. The cerebellum focuses on posture, bala...
The temporal lobe is involved in emotional processes, and is responsible for recognizing familiar facial emotions and understanding a person’s emotions from their body posture. There is also some evidence that the TP may be involved in precipitating emotional empathy and enhancing mood stability45. ...
Revisiting threat-related scenes elicits fear and activates a brain network related to cognitive-affective processing. Prior experience may contribute to the present fearful experience. We aimed to investigate (a) patterns of brain activation associated
The occipital lobe is the vision center.The occipital lobe is located behind an imaginary line drawn between the preoccipital notch and the top of the parieto-occipital sulcus. ▼颞叶是记忆和听觉中枢,居于大脑的下部。 The temporal lobe is the inferior part of the cerebrum.thetemporal lobe is t...
S2G). These data suggest that DG interneuron hyperactivity is not associated with overt loss of DG interneurons during early-stage AD. DG interneuron hyperactivity coincides with synaptic remodeling of inhibitory inputs onto granule cells during early-stage AD We next sought to address whether DG ...
27. Constantinou M. Cognitive behavioral therapy for temporal lobe epilepsy: a case report revealing improvement in cognition, quality of life, medical needs, and psychological functioning. J Psychiatry Psychiatr Disord, 2020, 4(3): 79-86. ...
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These studies have associated depolarising GABA currents with reduced synaptic efficacy. Although the evidence from our desensitisation mutants suggests that iLTP induction is not consistent with the involvement of any change in Cl− current, we nevertheless assessed whether the GABA currents induced ...
4have all been associated with spatial neglect. The more recent shift of research attention to the temporal lobe is beginning to reveal that ventral temporal regions, possibly including phPIT, are implicated in a specific component of neglect referred to as allocentric/object-centered neglect80,81....