The Tempest 莎士比亚《暴风雨》The Tempest 上海译文出版社 朱生豪译本 五幕剧《暴风雨》是莎翁最后一部完整的作品。米兰公爵普洛斯彼罗因沉迷于魔法和学术将政权交给弟弟代理,被弟弟安东尼奥篡位,因而带着公主米兰达流落到荒岛上。他运用魔法将仇人都召集到一场海航的暴风雨中,并且设计让仇人的儿子那不勒斯王子腓迪南与...
暴风雨之后 2020,2,28 在疫情期间,感谢Bunny 老师领读莎翁的《暴风雨》,最后众人都达成了和解,我们焦灼的心情也得到了缓解。传奇的《暴风雨》给我们宽恕和解的彻悟,现实的暴风雨也将如此,终有一日,春雨初霁。以下从几个方面概述对《暴风雨》的理解。 莎翁的唯一原创性剧作,有人说江郎才尽,已经比不上前期的悲...
For him The Tempest is important and vital precisely because the issues raised are not resolved conveniently. He emphasises "how powerfully subversive much of the play's energy is, how incompletely it controls its ambivalences and resolves its conflicts" (p. 87). This is the key to ...
doi:10.1177/0184767817752380cMichael HattawaySAGE Publications
Tempest has influenced works as varied as Aldous Huxley's Brave New World (1932), Roger MacBride Allen's Isaac Asimov's Caliban (1993), John Fowles's The Magus (1965) and The Collector (1963), Marina Warner's Indigo (1992),... A Menon - 《American Book Review》 被引量: 0发表: ...
The Tempest: Directed by Julie Taymor. With Felicity Jones, Jude Akuwudike, Reeve Carney, David Strathairn. Shakespeare's epic play is translated from page to screen, with the gender of the main character, Prospero, changed from male to female.
Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Tempest, The ship bearing the King of Naples and his company is wrecked near Prospero’s island. [Br. Drama: ShakespeareThe Tempest] See:Shipwreck Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Grou...
Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade: The Expanded Universe love story many of us miss Alexander Freed talks the Empire's blindness to Palpatine's evil in Reign of the Empire: The Mask of Fear The Bad Batch: Tech returns in newly announced Star Wars book ...
CliffsNotes on Shakespeare's The Tempest 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 CliffsNotes on Shakespeare's The Tempest 电子书 图书目录 facebooklinkedinmastodonmessengerpinterestreddittelegramtwittervibervkontaktewhatsapp复制链接 想要找书就要到本本书屋 ...
This isn’t a new idea: oftenThe Gap in Timefeels like a more lyrical, intricately-plotted successor to Marina Warner’s 1992 novelIndigo,based onThe Tempest.What makesThe Gap of Timea success is Winterson’s sensitivity to the shape-shifting qualities of the original. InThe Winter’s Tale,...