He claims adolescence is an artificial social construct in the U.S. and not found in other nations.SabbaghLeslieScientific American Special EditionSabbagh, L. (2007). The teen brain, hard at work. Scientific American Special Edition- Child Development, 17(2), 54-59....
Who else has reviewed it?Many bloggers have reviewed this book! Here are a couple of standouts: Suko’s Notebook Raging Bibliomania Anything else to add? I really enjoyed this book.The Gap Yearwas a good choice for my book club as a lot of us have teen daughters, and mother/daughter...
A mismatch in the maturation of brain networks leaves adolescents open to risky behavior but also allows for leaps in cognition and adaptability
I’m an old-fashioned believer in traditional discipline for young males. The best way to get a message to a young guy’s brain about working hard, behaving properly, showing an acceptable attitude, is through his bottom. The cane is one useful implement for doing that. I inherited this b...
Eventbrite - Teen brain development and the effects of porn - Thursday, June 1, 2023 | Sunday, October 19, 2025 - Find event and ticket information.
Alongside Calvey (“Braveheart”) and Hayman (“The Boy in the Striped Pajamas”), the film also stars Mark Arnold (“Teen Wolf”) and Mike Beckingham (“Truth Seekers”).The English-language drama is directed and co-produced by Paul Dudbridgez (“Horizon”). Alex Metcalf (“The Light...
We discuss the play, the unpleasant Franco Zeffirelli 1967 film starring Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor, the film and TV versions of Cole Porter’s “Kiss Me, Kate,” the teen rom-com “10 Things I Hate About You,” and even the 1980s TV adaptation on “Moonlighting,” which might...
September 15:Erica atThe Book Cellar September 16:Sandie atTeen Lit Rocks September 19:Asheley atInto the Hall of Books September 20:Daphne atGone Pecan September 21:Mary Ann atGreat Kids Books September 22:Kathy atThe Brain Lair September 23:Michelle & Leslie atUndeniably (Book) Nerdy ...
Sometimes you don’t want to think while you’re reading, but in this case, it had my brain whirring. It’s not quite like any other book. If you’re looking for a book that does the OPPOSITE of condescending to teenagers, this is your book. I’m constantly blown away by how it...
“And I need you to listen to me; and you won’t really be listening if half your brain’s on the ‘net, Noah.” I rolled my eyes. “And you can stop doing that right now, my lad,” snapped mum. “Okay, okay, what’s got you so wound up?” I enquired. “I am not wound...