TECHNOLOGY Acceptance ModelUNIVERSITY facultyPREPAREDNESSTECHNICAL literaturePERFORMANCE technologyTechnological developments provide numerous advantages for users; yet, competition conditions, investment costs, and consumer expectations make it challenging to hold products in the market. Hence...
TAM, Technology Acceptance Model; TAM2, Technology Acceptance Model 2; UTAUT, Universal Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology; TPB, Theory of Planned Behavior. Perceived ease of use (PEOU) was either defined as the lack of (physical or mental) effort or simply as “ease of use.” As...
Building a Model of Technology Preference: The Case of Channel Choices Intention theories, such as the Theory of Reasoned Action, the Theory of Planned Behavior, and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), have been widely adop... A Muthitcharoen,Prashant C. Pal via,V Grover - 《Decision Sci...
This study examines the to what degree the technology acceptance model and the diffusion of innovation theory are able to predict future usage of both electronic and printed formats in the process of searching for journal publication information for a research project. Though little research has been...
9 combines the Coolness factor with TAM theory to study the usage intention of video gaming consoles.Many scholars have used TAM and its extended models as a theoretical basis to study agricultural information technology acceptance behavior (Table 1). Table 1 Literature on the application of TAM ...
In 1989, Davis [13] proposed the technology acceptance model (TAM) to explain the potential user’s behavioral intention to use a technological innovation. TAM is based on the theory of reasoned action (TRA) [25], a psychological theory that seeks to explain behavior. TAM involved two ...
Technology acceptance model Based on theories in social psychology, such as the theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior (TPB),16 the TAM has been validated as a powerful and parsimonious framework to explain the adoption of IT by the users. The TAM postulates that user ad...
Combining the innovation diffusion theory (IDT) with the technology acceptance model (TAM), the present study proposes an extended technology acceptance model. The proposed model was tested with data collected from 552 business employees using the e-learning system in Taiwan. The results show that ...
Applying the Technology Acceptance Model and Flow Theory to Cyworld User Behavior: Implication of the Web2.0 User Acceptance This study explores attitudinal and behavioral patterns when using Cyworld by adopting an expanded Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). A model for Cyworld a... DH Shin,WY Kim...
perceptionsand 34%–52%ofthevarianceinusageintentions.Bothsocialinfluenceprocesses(subjectivenorm, voluntariness,andimage)andcognitiveinstrumentalprocesses(jobrelevance,outputquality, resultdemonstrability,andperceivedeaseofuse)significantlyinfluenceduseracceptance. Thesefindingsadvancetheoryandcontributetothe...