In "The Tam Turbulence", Penny and Bernadette have dinner with Anu to meet Raj's fiancée and they like the woman especially since she has connections all over LA as a hotel concierge. At the restaurant they do spot LeBron James.
Season 12, Episode 4 - The Tam Turbulence When Sheldon imagined how his life would have been different if Tam had moved to California with him, we saw Tam chasing Sheldon in the ballpit as he said "Bazinga!" as Leonard did in "The Einstein Approximation".More...
(The Tam Turbulence) Howard dresses up as Sheldon for Halloween, which offends Sheldon and he dresses up as Howard in retaliation. Once tensions settle, Sheldon, Howard, Leonard and Raj watch "Halloween", which Sheldon doesn't wanna watch. He pretends to be disappointed when Amy comes to ...
The Tam Turbulence Thu, Oct 11, 2018 19 mins Sheldon receives a message from his best friend in high school, Tam Nguyen, that he is coming to California to show his son around Cal Tech. Sheldon's closest group of friends wonder why Sheldon has never mentioned Tam before. The reason? Sh...
The Big Bang Theory 12×04 Promo “The Tam Turbulence” (HD) The Big Bang Theory 12×03 All Sneak Peeks “The Procreation Calculation” (HD) The Big Bang Theory 12×03 Promo “The Procreation Calculation” (HD) The Big Bang Theory 12×02 All Sneak Peeks “The Wedding Gift Wormhole...
Look,atleastintheshortterm,theresgonnabesome,um,turbulence 至少短期内会有一些动荡 asaresultofsomeproblemsintheGlassempire. 所以我需要你的帮助母亲 ThatiswhyIneedyourhelp,Mother. 我需要一份地址名单和我们处境相同的其他庄园谢谢 Ineedalistoftheotherlocations.Theonesinthesamepositionasus.Thankyou. 可是亲爱的...
Lastly it addresses the main problems arising due to turbulence in weather, climate and atmospheric composition numerical models. Written for postgraduate and advanced undergraduate-level students and atmospheric researchers, it is also of interest to anyone wanting to understand the findings and obtain ...
and is appropriate for simulating the initial stages of rock avalanche motion, when the failed mass is moving over the basal rupture surface. The Voellmy rheology features two calibrated parameters, a friction coefficient and turbulence coefficient, and is appropriate for simulating rock avalanche inter...
Mayim and Kevin - last episode taping. 1/202 Episodes| Season 12 "The Conjugal Configuration" • "The Wedding Gift Wormhole" • "The Procreation Calculation" • "The Tam Turbulence" • "The Planetarium Collision" • "The Imitation Perturbation" • "The Grant Allocation Derivation" ...
In this paper we introduce and study a new model for three–dimensional turbulence, the Leray–α model. This model is inspired by the Lagrangian averaged ... A Cheskidov,DD Holm,E Olson,... - 《Proceedings of the Royal Society A Mathematical Physical & Engineering Sciences》 被引量: 319...