The Talos Principle 2 is a thought-provoking first-person puzzle experience that greatly expands on the first game's philosophical themes and stunning environments with increasingly mind-bending challenges.
2.6万 78 06:23:20 App 【小而美134】《NAIAD》全流程+全成就攻略解说,更新中。 4.4万 134 07:53:01 App 【全成就 | 全流程】《塔罗斯的法则 2 / The Talos Principle 2 》(更新中)视频攻略 迷失攻略组-七月末 浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开信息...
ORI AND THE WILL OF THE WISPS IS A MUST PLAY*: • 98/100 GAMESBEAT “…an exhilarating, emotional masterpiece”• 9.5/10 GAMEINFORMER “the story is fantastic, the world is breathtaking”• 9/10 IGN “the best praise you can give a sequel”• 9.5/10 DESTRUCTOID “An early ...
The Talos Principle 通过 用于 Windows、Mac和Linux 的 Steam 提供。需要申请免费的 Steam 账户。 描述 《塔罗斯的法则》是一款第一人称解谜游戏,它来自打造出《英雄萨姆》系列游戏的CROTEAM,并且由Tom Jubert (FTL《超越光速》,The Swapper《交易者》) 以及Jonas Kyratzes (The Sea Will Claim Everything)联合创作...
The Talos Principle 2 The Texas Chain Saw Massacre The Thaumaturge The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition The Axis Unseen Throne and Liberty To Hell With It Toggles Torque Drift 2 Tower of Fantasy Towers of Aghasba Trepang2 ...
It was a long time coming, but Xbox One owners can finally get their hands on The Talos Principle.
“ignorabimus” that it wouldneverbe possible to fully explain the basis of consciousness and free will in scientific terms. In doing so, he took up older ideas of the philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716) and anticipated David Chalmers’ “hard problem of consciousness” (Chalmers...
IGN最终为该游戏打出了8.0分,算是很不错的评价。 优点: +深度策略元素 +骇人的声效 +紧张的枪战 缺点: -不流畅的画面 -槽糕的单人模式 评分:8.0分 很 00:00· 播放26 分享37赞 使命召唤吧 CF的地盘CS的血 paydayzA message from Robert Kirkman, creator from The Walking Dead8月14日 - OVERKILL_...
Xbox Series X|S 專屬強化 智慧傳遞 2 個協助工具功能 14 種支援語言 限制級 藝廊 輸入您的生日 此內容已遭鎖定 描述 3項BAFTA大獎,以及The Game Awards、DICE、Game Developers Choice Awards、 South-by-Southwest、Dreamhack等諸多獎項。 PC Gamer - 2019年年度遊戲、Gamespot - 2019最好評遊戲, IGN -2019最...
描述 3項BAFTA大獎,以及The Game Awards、DICE、Game Developers Choice Awards、 South-by-Southwest、Dreamhack等諸多獎項。 PC Gamer - 2019年年度遊戲、Gamespot - 2019最好評遊戲, IGN -2019最佳PC獨占遊戲, Metacritic - 2019年必玩遊戲。 遊戲特色 – 史無前例的自由選擇 恐嚇威脅、阿諛奉承、訴諸暴力、寄情...