有趣英语俚语: chain是铁链,old ball and chain不是“旧球和铁链” 有趣英语俚语: People of the Book是指“爱书之人”?千万别乱说! 有趣英语俚语: tale是“故事”,tell-tale可不是“讲故事”! 每日一句英语俚语:祝你好运,别老说Good Luck! 每日一句英语俚语:have a cow 不是 “有一头奶牛”! 每日...
The conflict between Ludlow's fiercely anti-government anti-war stance & his sons' determination to do what they see as their duty is but a small part of the story; the heart of the tale is the rift that threatens the mutual devotion of these 3 loyal brothers as they all come to love...
Some there were who believed the tale, and some who doubted. But the kings that ruled in Iqqua after Haalor went not forth to do battle with the ice; and no wizard rose to make war upon it with conjured suns. Men fled before the everadvancing glaciations; and strange legends were tol...
The monk threw his outer robe on the roof of the temple. The magical robe made the temple float safely on the rising water. The crab soldiers slipped back into the water. It was over, and we had lost. Xiao Qing and I ran to t...
The monk grabbed Xu Xian. “Those two are snake demons!” he yelled at my husband. “They only look like beautiful women! They will steal your life and leave you with nothing! Already I see the signs of their evil in your face!”...
I have thought proper to premise thus much, lest the incredible tale I have to tell should be considered rather the raving of a crude imagination, than the positive experience of a mind to which the reveries of fancy have been a dead letter and a nullity. After many years spent in ...
”I’m not letting stoners like you get rid of the outerverse, I need to make Betatale come back so I can get back with chara!” Willy Wonka said as he just stared HAM down. ”Time to do a little trolling!” Troll!Sans said, as he walked out of his portal in the most wacky ...
In the moments before the Beginning, there was no Time, no Matter, and no Dimension, only the Endless Potential for these things--for in the absence of absolutely everything, absolutely anything becomes possible. And so it was that this Endless Potential
We soon discovered that we were the sole survivors of the accident. All on deck, with the exception of ourselves, had been swept overboard;—the captain and mates must have perished as they slept, for the cabins were deluged with water. Without assistance, we could expect to do little ...
偶然看到的译文;英文译者为F. C. Conybeare,中文译者不详; 在发到知乎前我对格式(排版)进行了调整,都花了很久... 很难想象当时英译中的译者所付出的时间和精力。 所罗门的遗嘱,The Testament of Solomon 1.…