There was once a group of trees who were fed up with living in a deep, dark and crowded valley - so they moved to the enchanted forest. But as everybody knows, trees cannot walk without magic. This is the story of how Jack, the small boy with the frozen touch, wanders in to the...
Before Jack Frost was famously nipping at your nose, he was known as little Jack, the youngest, smallest child in a village near the North Pole. Absolutely nobody paid attention to Jack. His sister could make snowflakes. His brother could make wind. His cousin could make water freeze. Ever...
The Tale of Jack Frost: Directed by Neil Graham, Alastair Swinnerton. With JJ Bee, Hugh Laurie, Gary Martin.
The Tale of Jack FrostMarcia Thornton Jones
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電影基本資料劇情簡介 中文名:The Tale of Jack Frost 英文名: 地區:英國 導演: Neil Graham Alastair Swinnerton 主演: 休·勞瑞 Gary Martin 編劇: David Melling Alastair Swinnerton 制片: 上映日期:2004年12月25日 內地票房: 電影類型:家庭 大家印象:...
The Tale of Jack Fro...(2004) 片名 The Tale of Jack Frost 又名 The Tale of Jack Frost 影片类型 家庭 出品国家/地区 英国 上映时间 英国 2004-12-25 2004 首映日期 2004年12月25日 首映地区 英国 语言 英语 评分 6.7
Many sharp-eyed parents, exhausted by inexhaustible small children who have already been on the go since long before dawn, will have offered up a silent prayer for the blessed relief of a charming and amusing 30-minute animated film at 9am called The Tale Of Jack Frost. This story of ...
The Tale of Jack Frost(机器翻译:杰克弗罗斯特)作者:David Melling 出版社:Hodder &Stoughton ISBN(13位):9780340851999 语种:英语 开本:12 页数:32 市场价:¥ 144.6装帧 成色 申东价 活动价 库存 精装 九成新 ¥ 43.40 ¥ 38.19 0 有货通知 ...