Philip Whalen: And also when I was in the army, a friend gave me a copy, a little single volume of theLetters To A Young Poet, which I treasured. I really thought that was some of the wisest, most marvelous, most inspiring stuff that anybody ever said about the calling of being a ...
Pynchon’s novel is strung between these first lines of theDuino Elegiesand the last: “And we, who have always thought of happiness as climbing or ascending would feel the emotion that almost startles when a happy thing falls.” In Rilke, the “happy thing” is a sign of rebirth amidst...
Women on Love: Idealization in the Philosophies of Diotima (The Symposium) and Murasaki Shikibu (The Tale of Genji) Philosophy East and West15 February 2019 Contrasting Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika and Buddhist Explanations of Attention Philosophy East and West15 February 2019 The Logic of Not: An Invit...
After reading The Tale of Genji last year, I plan to read more about Japan. Maybe when I’ve polished off everything on my reading table. Older posts Search for: Follow Blog via Email Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email ...
Hasegawa, an actor of the Kabuki theater, made his film debut under the name Chojiro Hayashi in 1927. He played mainly in period pieces (jidaigeki). His best motion-picture roles include parts inThe Tale of Genji(1951),The Summer Siege of Osaka Castle(1953),Gate of Hell(1954),Stories of...
Daughter of the famous scholar of the Japanese classics Ueda Kazutoshi (or Ueda Mannen; 1867–1937), Enchi herself was deeply learned in the Japanese classics and produced a critically praised modern Japanese translation of the great 11th-century novel The Tale of Genji. The narrative of “A ...
This phenomenon started with Akira Kurosawa's Rasho¯mon winning the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival and an Academy Award in 1951. The same year, Ko¯zaburo¯ Yoshimura's The Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari) was nominated in Cannes and won the prize for the best cinematography...