The story follows the Edith of the title as she backtracks through her family tree, rediscovering the lives of various relations who have all died early and unfortunate deaths. Each tale is built from completely different mechanics and vary from brief narrative punches to long, heartfelt looks ...
文学化 Literature:Tale of Tales 《Fatale》《Bientot l'ete》《The Graveyard》《The Path》《Sunset》《The Franz Kafka Videogame》 不可说 Unsayability:Jonathan Blow 《The Witness》 系统机制 Mechanics:《Starseed Pilgrim》《The Braid》《Miagakure》《Portal1/2》 程序与认知 Program / Cognition:《Baba ...
What Remains of Edith Finch The winner of several prestigious industry awards, this melancholic meditation on loss, exploring a seemingly cursed family’s history, plays out through a series of interactive vignettes. Return to the Finch’s family home and walk around its rooms, halls and hidden...
What Remains of Edith Finch The winner of several prestigious industry awards, this melancholic meditation on loss, exploring a seemingly cursed family’s history, plays out through a series of interactive vignettes. Return to the Finch’s family home and walk around its rooms, halls and hidden...
布罗格是一名私家侦探(兼职拳击手),他与亡妻的独子格拉夫相依为命。虽然布罗格对妻子所遭遇的意外事故的记忆已经模糊,但最近发生的一系列事件逐渐让惨剧的真相付出水面……甚至影响到了父子俩的人生。 他们究竟能否从这个颓废的社会中逆流而上,挑战自己的命运呢? 特点 - 完美支持简体中文文本! - 可以通过智力……...
布罗格是一名私家侦探(兼职拳击手),他与亡妻的独子格拉夫相依为命。虽然布罗格对妻子所遭遇的意外事故的记忆已经模糊,但最近发生的一系列事件逐渐让惨剧的真相付出水面……甚至影响到了父子俩的人生。 他们究竟能否从这个颓废的社会中逆流而上,挑战自己的命运呢? 特点 - 完美支持简体中文文本! - 可以通过智力……或...
Back to the flat expanse of Nebraska, that seemingly endless sea of rustling co... 传说之下 Undertale 9.4 《Undertale》是个Toby Fox以tobyfox为化名制作及发表的电子角色扮演游戏。 游戏在2015年9月15日发售。 《Undertale》有着和一般电子角色扮演游戏些许不同的玩法。玩家有机... 2016 看火人 Fire...
發佈者 Skybound Games 開發者 Telltale Games 發行日期 14/8/2018 遊戲方式 Xbox One Xbox Series X|S 功能 4K Ultra HD HDR10 Xbox One X Enhanced 已包含在這些訂閱中 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate HK$100.00/月 主機、電腦和雲端上數百款高品質遊戲 第一天的新遊戲 會員優惠、折扣和權益 線上主機多人遊戲...
Its cast – across the English and Japanese languages – does an excellent job bringing Ghost's complex tale of honor and loss to life, both in its 30+ hour main campaign and all the side quests that eloquently mirror thematic aspects of your main journey....
What Remains of Edith Finch The winner of several prestigious industry awards, this melancholic meditation on loss, exploring a seemingly cursed family’s history, plays out through a series of interactive vignettes. Return to the Finch’s family home and walk around its rooms, halls and hidden...