prostate- a firm partly muscular chestnut sized gland in males at the neck of the urethra; produces a viscid secretion that is the fluid part of semen prostate gland ductless gland,endocrine gland,endocrine- any of the glands of the endocrine system that secrete hormones directly into the bloods...
duct gland, exocrine, exocrine gland - a gland that secretes externally through a duct ductless gland, endocrine gland, endocrine - any of the glands of the endocrine system that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream acinus - one of the small sacs or saclike dilations in a compound ...
Produces and secretes male sex hormones responsible for maintaining the male reproductive system Male Reproductive System Parts and Functions External male reproductive organs Unlike the female reproductive system, most of the male reproductive system is located outside of the body. These external structure...
Which of the following organs of the endocrine system secretes thyroxine and triiodothyronine? a. Pituitary gland b. Pancreas c. Hypothalamus d. Adrenal glands e. Thyroid gland Describe the hormones secreted by the pituitary and hypothalamus that control the ...
The human body secretes more pain-blocking hormones late at night than during the day. Consequently, surgical patients operated on at night need less anesthesia. Since larger amounts of anesthesia pose greater risks for patients, the risks of surgery could be reduced if operations routinely took ...
The pancreas is one such organ, although it secretes some chemicals into the blood and thus is also part of the endocrine system. Much has been learned about hormones since their discovery. Some play such key roles in regulating bodily processes or behavior that their abse...
The renal system is specialized to regulate the fluid balance of the human body. Beyond the intricate structural characteristics of the kidneys that play a role in this regulation, there are key hormones that are also vital to this process. Answer and...
The human body secretes and circulates some 50 different hormones. A wide variety of these chemical substances are produced by endocrine cells, most of which are in glands.
The pancreas is one such organ, although it secretes some chemicals into the blood and thus is also part of the endocrine system. Much has been learned about hormones since their discovery. Some play such key roles in regulating bodily processes or behavior that their absence would cause ...
Other Organs Some organs that are not considered part of the endocrine system do produce important hormones. The kidneys secrete a hormone that regulates the production of red blood cells. This hormone is secreted whenever the oxygen level in your blood decreases. Once the hormone has ...