- Wavelength is defined as the distance between two consecutive points in phase on a wave. This can be the distance between two consecutive crests (the highest points of the wave) or two consecutive troughs (the lowest points of the wave). 2. Symbol for Wavelength: - Wavelength is repres...
wavelength (ˈweɪvˌlɛŋθ) n 1.(General Physics) the distance, measured in the direction of propagation, between two points of the same phase in consecutive cycles of a wave. Symbol:λ 2.(Telecommunications) the wavelength of the carrier wave used by a particular broadcasting stat...
WWavelength WTungsten(atomic symbol) WWicket WTryptophan(amino acid) WWaco Aircrcraft Company(manufacturer's symbol; Troy, OH) WWarhead(designator) WWollastonite WWestinghouse Electric Corporation WWarai(Japan: laughter or lol; internet slang) ...
(General Physics)physicsa mathematical function of position and generally time, used in wave mechanics to describe the state of a physical system. Symbol:ψ Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, ...
distancebetweenthetwopeaksorthetrough(thewavelength) issmall(below1mm)andisindistinguishablefromthenaked eye,soitisamicroscopicgeometryerror.Thesmallerthe surfaceroughness,thesmootherthesurface.Thesizeof surfaceroughnesshasagreateffectontheperformanceof mechanicalparts,mainlyinthefollowingaspects: ...
twodistance(wavelength)isverysmall(below1mm),thenaked eyeisdifficulttodistinguish,soitbelongstothemicro geometryerror.Thesurfaceroughness,thesurfaceissmooth. Thesurfaceroughnessofthesize,hasagreatinfluenceonthe performanceofmechanicalparts,mainlyinthefollowing aspects: 1)thewearresistanceofpartssurfaceroughnesseffect...
The strength or volume of a signal, usually measured in decibels. Seewavelength. Amplitude The amplitude is the power of a signal. The greater the amplitude, the greater the energy carried. Copyright © 1981-2019 byThe Computer Language Company Inc. All Rights reserved. THIS DEFINITION IS FO...
The Spectral Plot pane displays a plot of the spectral dimension of the data by wavelength or by band. (You can rearrange these panes by clicking and dragging them inside the app. To return to the standard pane arrangement, click Default Layout on the app toolstrip.) View the metadata of...
Symbol: ν or σ Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 wave′ num`ber n. the number of waves in one centimeter of light in a given wavelength; the reciprocal ...
wave number - the reciprocal of the wavelength of a wave attendance - the frequency with which a person is present; "a student's attendance is an important factor in her grade" count per minute, counts/minute - frequency per minute sampling frequency - (telecommunication) the frequency of sam...