Intro to Light Weight Aluminum Nitride (AlN) Light weight aluminum nitride (AlN), known for its remarkable thermal conductivity, is emerging as a game-changer in the... Hexagonal Boron Nitride: The Next Frontier in Advanced Materials silicon boron... ...
豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 内容简介· ··· The Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) is a daily broadsheet newspaper published by Fairfax Media in Sydney, Australia. Founded in 1831 as the Sydney Herald, the SMH is the oldest continuously published newspaper in Australia. The newspaper is published...
1. 悉尼先驱晨报 澳洲《悉尼先驱晨报》(The Sydney Morning Herald)1月19日的报道说,刘源日前在向一批军官讲话时声称,腐败在解放军 …|基于866个网页 2. 悉尼晨锋报 《悉尼晨锋报》 (The Sydney Morning Herald)驻北京记者约翰.加内特(John Garnaut)说:“所有那一代的子女都卷入商界, … ...
【访谈翻译】The Sydney Morning Herald访谈文章翻译来了。其实很多内容在其他很多访谈中也有提及,不过这一篇对于一些内容有所展开。马导提到:“蝙蝠侠只是想在生活中创造意义。当你10岁的时候,一些完全随机和可怕的事情在你身上发生了,而你此后几乎再也没能恢复过来,那么你该如何创造意义?他在拼命挣扎。”Rob认为,...
SYDNEY Morning Herald, The (Newspaper)FLETCHER, Charles BrunsdonNEWSPAPERSBased on the premise of journalism as a text resulting from intellectual endeavour, this article undertakes a sustained examination of the thought of author and newspaper editor Charles Brunsdon Fletcher (1859-194...
5) Morning Post 晨报 1. On the Column of Women s Issues in 1919 sMorning Post; 1919年《晨报》9妇女问题专栏述评 更多例句>> 6) Brazil Herald 巴西先驱报 补充资料:《悉尼先驱晨报》 澳大利亚全国性英文对开日报。在悉尼出版。1831年创刊时为周刊,名为《悉尼先驱报》。1840年改为日报。1842年 8月改用...
澳大利亚主流媒体《The Sydney Morning Herald》近日以《银联全球支付网络扩张,澳大利亚消费者从中获益》为题刊文,指出银联为全球最大的持卡人群提供高质量、低成本和安全的支付服务,而越来越多的澳大利亚消费者和商户机构正加入其中。文章称,银联的成功源自于其提供的独特价值和机遇。
“There is also some evidence (not really enough yet) that sweet sugar-free drinks may trick the body into thinking it is getting sugar and this may have adverse effects," Stanton says. 斯坦顿提到“有一些证据表明(虽然还不足以证明),甜味的零糖饮料可能会欺骗身体,让其觉得获取了糖分,这可能会有...
Ranked As: Ultima, Ultima II: The Revenge of the Enchantress, Ultima III: Exodus, Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar, Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny, Ultima VI: The False Prophet, Ultima VII Part Two: Serpent Isle, Ultima VII: The Black Gate, Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss , Ultima ...
Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) is a daily broadsheet newspaper published by Fairfax Media in Sydney, Australia.