《宿命之剑》(Miecz przeznaczenia, Sword of Destiny)是安杰伊·萨普科夫斯基所著的短篇小说集,在“猎魔人”系列小说中按照整个故事脉络是第二部,但其首次出版于1992年,早于《白狼崛起》,晚于《猎魔人》(Wiedźmin)。其中有数篇小说最先发表在《Fantastyka》杂志上。
"Immerse yourself in 'The Sword of Destiny,' a riveting RPG where darkness descends upon a tranquil village. Ruthless goons attack, plunder, and enslave, transforming paradise into chaos. As the village's own, you're driven by an unquenchable fire for justice. Set out to dismantle their emp...
The sword of destiny has two edges. You are one of them. You are Geralt, from the city of Rivia. All around you the towns and settlements of the Northern Kingdoms are being razed to the ground, as an otherworldly invading army known only as the Wild Hunt leaves a tr...
宿命之剑(小说) 《宿命之剑》(波兰文:Miecz przeznaczenia,The Sword of Destiny)是同名小说集中的一个短篇小说,作者安杰伊·萨普科夫斯基。该篇讲述了杰洛特和希瑞第一次相遇的故事。 故事梗概 杰洛特帮助布鲁格国王文斯拉夫向树精女王艾思娜传达一则重要的和平协议。在前往布洛奇隆的途中,杰洛特被一个男孩的尸体绊了...
The Sword of DestinyThe article presents the script of the play "The Sword of Destiny," by Jennifer L. Kroll, based on a story from Sir Thomas Malory's "Le Morte d'Arthur," illustrated by Steve A. Roberts.Kroll, Jennifer L.Read
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Become a member to see contact information for The Sword of Destiny. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Cast Filmmakers Images Videos Details Air dates Companies News Cast + Add Cast 5 cast members Name Known for Michael Beattie Needle (voice) Despicable Me 3 (2017) Michael Do...
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The sword of destiny has two edges. You are one of them. You are Geralt, from the city of Rivia. All around you the towns and settlements of the Northern Kingdoms are being razed to the ground, as an otherworldly invading army known only as the Wild Hunt leaves a trail of blood-soake...