a.To speak loudly; shout:a swimmer who was calling for help. b.To utter a characteristic cry. Used of an animal:geese calling in the early morning. 2.To communicate or try to communicate with someone by telephone:I called twice, but no one answered. ...
The Swimmer (1968): I had heard of this movie, but suffered from a major misapprehension about the plot. I thought this guy literally swims from pool to pool, traversing underwater tunnels like in a Mario game. I'm not saying I didn't also recognize it as a highbrow metaphor for the...
''The Swimmer'' is a short story about a man, Neddy Merrill, who decides to swim his way home by using the pools in his suburban neighborhood. It was first published by The New Yorker in 1964, then included in the 1978 collection, The Stories of John Cheever....
d. To avoid letting out or expelling: The swimmer held her breath while underwater. 3. a. To be filled by; contain: This drawer holds socks. b. To be capable of holding: a pitcher that holds a quart. See Synonyms at contain. c. To have as a chief characteristic or quality: The...
The short story ''The Swimmer'' was adapted into a film that was released in 1968. Though more content was added to make it a feature-length film, it is consistent with the original story. It wasn't received well by the public on its release, but has grown to be a cult classic....
下面的提纲,每空一词。Young Woman and the Sea tells the story of a great swimmer named Trudy Ede
C.He had an advantage in age.D.He was a faster swimmer. 3. Which of the following statements is true about the incident? A.After saving the dog, Arens carried her home. B.Arens jumped into the river on seeing the dog. C.The dog was hunting when she fell into the water. ...
Mr. Mojo Risin’is a true send-up, the kind of sweeping novel into which we all love to escape. It is also the first of four planned novels by Tatum, who also is a songwriter, musical and short story author. As he sat down with us, a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he broke do...
Whenever I think of her story and my former dislike of my color, I’m practically filled with shame. Today, I’ve grown to accept what I am with pride; it simply gives me feeling of uniqueness. The idea of self-love has taken on a whole new meaning for me: there’s always ...
^ "A great swimmer, if only he could get over his insecurities."– In-game description (2005). Nintendo (English). ^ "OK, I want you to race against Cheep Cheep, but you have to lose. And here's the thing: You have to make your loss look natural!"– Coach (2005). Nintendo (...