Lebanese actresses and real-life sisters, Manal and Nathalie Issa have been cast to play real-life sisters Yusra and Sarah Mardini in Netflix and Working Title’s new drama The Swimmer.The film, which Welsh/Egyptian filmmaker Sally El Hosaini (My Brother the Devil) is directing, traces the...
Sixty-four-year-old marathon swimmer Diana Nyad attempts to become the first person ever to swim from Cuba to Florida. Released: 2023 Directed by: Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, Jimmy Chin Also ranks #4 on The Best Female Leading Movies Of 2023 Also ranks #5 on The Best LGBTQ+ Mo...
respectively) for their roles in Nyad, the Netflix original film about marathon swimmer Diana Nyad and her devoted coach Bonnie Stoll. The remarkable true story is not a full biopic but a chapter of Nyad's accomplished life when, at the age of 60, ...
How to watch: The Old Man and the Pool is now streaming on Netflix. 10. Nyad Credit: Netflix Written by Julia Cox and directed by Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin (Free Solo), Nyad tells the daring story of long-distance swimmer Diana Nyad’s 2013 attempt to swim from Cuba ...
A gifted swimmer (Seo In-guk) rediscovers his talent by entering a competition against his long-time rival (Lee Jong-suk), and the two form a love triangle with Jung-eun (Kwon Yuri). Released: 2013 Directed by: Jo Yong-sun See what is ranked #1 The 40+ Best KBS Shows Vote ...
The true story behind Nyad is an inspiring tale with the movie bringing it to life as a reminder that no one is ever too old to accomplish their dreams. Annette Bening stars as Diana Nyad, an accomplished swimmer who once tried but failed in her goal to swim from Cuba to Florida. Much...
Watch on Netflix Four-time Academy Award nominee Annette Bening and two-time Academy Award winnerJodie Fosterstar in the 2023 sports biopicNyad. The film chronicles the efforts of Diana Nyad, a marathon swimmer who, at 64, attempts to become the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida wit...
Netflix, alerted to the controversies just weeks before the release, was advised by WOWSA to include a disclaimer emphasizing the film’s dramatized nature. Marathon swimming, like any sport, operates under established rules ensuring fairness, safety, and authenticity. Ratification verifies an...
The seemingly inescapable Stephen Graham (he’s been in six films or TV series this year) plays a bearded fellow channel swimmer who takes our girl on as a protege. Kim Bodnia does as nice job as Trudy’s German-American father, who reluctantly gets sucked into her quest; Jeanette Hain ...
Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke) is an "invalid," and tests say he is doomed to a short life of illness and suffering. But when he meets Jerome (Jude Law), a "valid" former swimmer who was paralyzed in a car accident, Vincent is given an opportunity to become the first class citizen he...