but every now and again we get to peek over our shoulder. occasionally the curtain that hides tomorrow’s world slips, and we get a glimpse of what is to come … and sometimes we come to suspect that our future may already be here. and sometimes we don’t like what we see. such a...
I also suspect that there are many adults on the scheme who the Government feels should not be there either. I believe the new legislation will provide greater powers to the NDIA to deny, challenge and remove people from the scheme who they feel should not be there. ...
While Qantas has previously maintained the final Boeing 717 would fly away in June 2024, the airline confirmed it has since pushed that exit back to the fourth quarter of 2024 – by which time three more A220s will have arrived, bringing the flying tally to five. And with the A220s ...
Video: Police say the suspect has died in hospital and they are treating the attack as a terrorism incident. (ABC News) “He’s known to police mainly in respect to relatives he has that are certainly persons of interest to us. “For operational matters we now have the counter-terrorism...
While Qantas has previously maintained the final Boeing 717 would fly away in June 2024, the airline confirmed it has since pushed that exit back to the fourth quarter of 2024 – by which time three more A220s will have arrived, bringing the flying tally to five. ...
Technically sticks and dongles can be carried easily to a friend’s house or on a vacation, and while this a niche use has utility today, I suspect it eventually dies in a cloud world. The $99 mini-set-top-box which has dedicated power and a larger volume to dissipate heat is the ...
Although Dōgen’s egalitarian stance has been the source of assurance for many female practitioners of zazen down to this day,10 some academics nevertheless suspect, based on a particular reading of Dōgen’s writings that he came to reverse his egalitarian stance towards female practitioners in hi...