the Attorney General says war on Iraq would be legal on the grounds of existing UN resolutions, while Mr Bush gives Hussein and his sons 48 hours to leave Iraq or face war.
War rhetoricIn 2006 President George W. Bush and his advisers devised a strategy, known as the "surge," to combat the growing insurgency in Iraq. It is widely credited with reducing violence and stabilizing the country. Although surge troops were removed from Iraq, the narrative of the surge...
On the subject of troop size for Iraq, I have heard Gen. Zinni, who headed Central Command before the Iraq War, state that their extensive, long-standing war plans called for a large force like the one proposed by Shinseki. Rumsfeld rejected these plans and Gen. Franks went along with hi...
THE SURGE ; A SPECIAL REPORT BY PATRICK COCKBURN | It Was Supposed to Mark a Decisive New Phase in America's Military Campaign, but Six Months after George Bush Sent in 20,000 Extra Troops, Iraq Is More Chaotic and Dangerous Than Ever. in a Special Despatch, Patrick Cockburn Reports on ...
In 2007, the United States increased the number of troops in Iraq in what became known as "The Surge." Nearly 20,000 additional troops were introduced into the Iraqi battlefield, with the intention of providing the commanders on the ground more options with which to battle the ongoing insurge...
skip to main content the secret history of iraq's invisible war in the early years of the iraq war, the u.s. military developed a technology so secret that soldiers would refuse to acknowledge its existence, and reporters mentioning the gear were promptly escorted out of the country. that ...
“regional government”, he sent his army to the frontiers of the Kurdish region in a confrontation that could have led – as he put it – to a full-scale “ethnic war” between Arabs and Kurds. It didn’t. But if, since then, the tension has eased on Iraq’s e...
Anderson argues that Odierno’s embrace of counterinsurgency tactics during his second tour in Iraq will be remembered as the turning point in the war. “This tour will, in my view, eradicate anything that was [said] before, or at least give people second thoughts about what kind of guy ...
future surge of national strength or militaristic right-wing government, future conflicts will be humanitarian in nature, us coming to the aid of an ally, precision retaliatory strikes, or defense against foreign armies. We won’t have the luxury of choice. War will be demanded of us, war wi...
simon calls out those who say the surge has gone so far as to end the civil war in iraq. he contends that "such claims misconstrue the causes of the recent fall in violence and, more important, ignore a fatal flaw in the strategy." the surge has changed the situation not by itself ...