托福阅读原文 volcanoes on Earth rise to about the same height (about 10 kilometers) above their respective bases-Earth and Venus have similar surface gravity. Mars’s surface gravity is only 40 percent that of Earth, so volcanoes rise roughly 2.5 times as high. Are the 【1】The surface of...
托福TPO25解析:THE SURFACE OF MARS THE SURFACE OF MARS 1. enormous巨大的,所以正确答案是B,extremely large。如果不认识,将答案代入原文,原文说在T这个地方有三座非常大的火山,定语从句修饰说T是个什么样的地区,能容下三座大火山的当然是很大的地方。A重要C不寻常和D活跃都不靠谱 2. 注意问的是Olympus M,...
TPO25-1The+surface+of+Mars答案.doc阅读:9次|页数:3页|上传:2014-05-07 14:01 参考答案: 1.2 2.3 3.3 4.4 5.4 6.1 7.3 8.2 9.4 10.3 11.2 12.3 13.2 14.Marshasshieldvolcanoes,... Althoughtheerosivepower... Studiesofcraterejectahave... 参考译文:火星表面 火星表面展示了很多种地理特征,包括巨大的...
题型分类:修辞目的题 题干分析:作者为何要指出,火星上很少有直径5公里以下的古代陨石坑?原文定位:根据关键词直接定位到该句:On Mars, there are relatively few craters less than 5 kilometers in diameter. 发现考察细节和第九题一样,可得选项C正确。
B. There is more dust on Mars than on the Moon. C. The surface of Mars is a dry desert. D. Wind is a powerful eroding force on Mars. 你的答案: 正确答案:D 题目解析: 登录 后才能查看题目解析,还没有账号? 马上注册 推荐文章: 【托福阅读】Official 44-P1 从鱼到陆地脊椎动物 【托福阅...
【托福阅读TPO真题练习:The surface of Mars火星表面】本文中新东方在线托福网为大家带来托福TPO25部分的阅读真题并附答案解析及译文,通过历年托福真题的练习,可以帮助考生熟悉TOEFL官方的出题思路和托福阅读题型特点。希望对大家托福备考有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注新东
The answer may be that virtually all the water on Mars is now locked in the permafrost layer under the surface, with more contained in the planet’s polar caps. 5.In paragraph 2, why does the author include the information that 105 tons of water flow through the Amazon river per second...
Mars第一段:托福TPO阅读原文: ThesurfaceofMarsshowsawiderangeofgeologicfeatures, includinghugevolcanoes-thelargestknowninthesolar system-andextensiveimpactcratering.Threeverylarge volcanoesarefoundontheTharsisbulge,anenormousgeologic areanearMars’sequator.NorthwestofTharsisisthelargest ...
2015最新托福经典阅读长难句:The Surface of Mars 1. In the fifteenth century there was little problem recruiting sailors to row the galleys (large ships propelled by oars): guilds (business associations) were required to provide rowers, and through a draft system free citizens served compulsorily ...