Moreover, the Senate ratification of the International Covenant implicitly gave her such powers, pursuant to the Supremacy Clause, to implement mandatory U.S. obligations arising from the Covenant. Would U.S. courts, and, eventually, the Supreme Court, uphold President Clinton's actions regarding ...
What we saw is in – in some ways difficult to describe, just the magnitude of the chaos here, of the number of lives that are adversely affected, the, you know, minor children that are being trafficked into the country, and fentanyl overdoses and poisoning that has been a scourge on t...
This holds true, particularly, for the question of whether Member States will continue to be bound by EU fundamental rights when they derogate from Community law, or Union law in future. The same is true, second, as regards the question of whether and under what conditions the supremacy of ...
That I would agree with, in the sense that anyone anywhere has a natural right to try to start a revolution. I’d completely buy that that was a “well understood” fact requiring no inclusion in the formation of a new government. That’s different from a right to revolt without resistan...
15. (when tr, often takes a clause as object) to decide authoritatively; decree: the chairman ruled against the proposal. 16. (tr) to mark with straight parallel lines or make one straight line, as with a ruler: to rule a margin. 17. (tr) to restrain or control: to rule one'...
Women struggled for decades to win the right to vote, but it’s taken even longer for all to be able to exercise it.
Under the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution, federal law may preempt state law, either expressly or by implication. The US Supreme Court struck down the California downer law, which had amended the California penal Code Sec. 599f, (National Meat Assn, vs. Harris 2011) [117]. In...
Part of Article 6 is that the United States took responsibility for its own debt. Section Two of Article 6 Article 6, Section 2 contains what is known as theSupremacy Clause. The Supremacy Clause is where the United States Constitution is deemed the Supreme Law of the Land. If you are a...
which holds that the highest ecclesial authority resides in the ecumenical councils. When a council is convened, the bishops, as successors to the Apostles, gather together as representatives of the Church Catholic. Second, the insertion of theFilioqueimplied the pope’s universal supremacy over all...
Here’s one saying Woodstock led straight to Reagan/Thatcher and then to white supremacy. Fukcing hippies! • These Are The Dying Days Of A Rancid Old Order (Hutton) Don’t despair. We may be living through an attempted rightwing revolution, but its foundations are rotten. There may be...