and Ordonez, G. (2013). The supply and demand for safe assets. Technical report, National Bureau of Economic Research.Gorton, Gary B., and Guillermo Ordonez. 2013. "The Supply and Demand for Safe Assets." National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc NBER Working Papers 18732....
The Liquidity Premium of Safe Assets: The Role of Government Debt Supply∗ This paper studies the impact of government debt supply on the liquidity premium, as measured by the yield spread between public and private safe assets. I test, at a quar- terly frequency, how the liquidity premium...
No other currency is close to matching this ecosystem’s size, or its fundamental appeal: the supply of safe assets available to dollar investors. The euro zone is fragile and its sovereign-debt market is mostly fragmented between its member states. China cannot possibly satisfy global demand fo...
【5】No other currency is close to matching thisecosystem’s size, or itsfundamentalappeal: the supply of safe assets available to dollar investors. The eurozoneisfragileand itssovereign-debt market is mostlyfragmentedbetween its member states. China cannot possiblysatisfyglobaldemandfor safe assets so...
safe assetsWe study what makes government bonds a safe asset. Building on a sample of monthly changes in government bond yields in 40 advanced and emerging countries, we aHabib, Maurizio MichaelStracca, LivioVenditti, FabrizioSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
We made use of the policy tools kept in reserve over recent years, proactively adopted predetermined policies, and remained firm in advancing supply-side structural reform. We unveiled and implemented a full range of policies and follow-up measures to stabilize the economy. We formulated plans for...
blood supply gingiva blood ties blood toil tears and blood transfusion wit blood tube blood urea-nitrogen a blood vessel creep blood bloodsweat tears bloodsweat andtears blood-cold syndrome blood-oxygen release blood-soaked hypoxia blood-soakedolloid bloodgas partition co bloodagent bloodelfsorcerori...
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they had a much smaller economic footprint and global supply chains were not yet developed. Today, they have greater economic and diplomatic heft and are much more integrated into the global economy. Their role as connectors this time round can help attenuate some of the costs of fragmentation....
The shortage of safe assets in the US investment portfolio: Some international evidence This paper develops a Bayesian Global VAR (GVAR) model to track the international transmission dynamics of two stylized shocks, namely a supply and demand ... F Huber,MT Punzi - 《Journal of International Mon...