4. to give off light; glow brightly: The lights burned all night. 5. to be hot: The pavement burned in the noon sun. 6. to produce or feel sharp pain or a stinging sensation: The whiskey burned in his throat. 7. to be injured, damaged, scorched, or destroyed by fire, heat, or...
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the animal shelter, Sarah walked through the rows of cages until her eyes landed on a small, trembling dog huddled(蜷缩)in the corner. "I think I've fou...
First Prayer. 第一篇祷文 The Celestial Fire above is an incorruptable flame, always scintillating, the source of life, fountain of all the Beings, and principle of all things. This flame produces all and nothing perishes except which it consumes: it makes itself known by it-self. This fire...
But stop this dismal chant, for it consumes the heart within my breast, since I have been struck by a loss that cannot be forgotten. Indeed, such was the man for whom I grieve with endless memory, a man whose glory is known through Hellas, Argos – all of Greece.” [Telémachus] “...
Thomas Merton warns,“There is a proud and self-confident hate, strong and cruel, which enjoys the pleasure of hating, for it is directed outward to the unworthiness of another. But this strong and happy hate does not realize that like all hate, it destroys and consumes the self that hat...
The sun consumes hydrogen to produce energy and helium, approximately 5 billion kilograms, or 5 million tons, every second! The sun is a main sequence... Learn more about this topic: Sun | Definition, Temperature & Facts from Chapter 1/ Lesson 19 ...
Aside from the light’s working temperature, you must also look at its power consumption. Ideally, a Jon boat light must be radiant and consumes only a little power. Waterproof Rating You must never miss the chance to check the waterproof rating of the boat lights you intend to buy. Most...
"There is always a shadow behind the sun." Behind the high industrial value is high power consumption. As a "data center", you can imagine: a large computer room, densely covered with all kinds of cabinets, servers, etc. The preliminary infrastructure and investment of the data center will...
eater,feeder- someone who consumes food for nourishment 2. scoffer- someone who jeers or mocks or treats something with contempt or calls out in derision flouter,jeerer,mocker disagreeable person,unpleasant person- a person who is not pleasant or agreeable ...