the_sun_also_rises 讲解:仇夏晶,黄莎莎,姚琪艳PPT制作:毛燕娜 Content 1.BriefIntroduction2.Characters 3.Motifs4.Conclusion Biography ErnestMillerHemingway(July 21,1899–July2,1961)wasan Americanwriterandjournalist.Hewaspartofthe1920sexpatriatecommunityinParis,andoneoftheveteransofWorldWarI,later...
89阅读文档大小:837.0K13页wangzhidaof上传于2015-06-05格式:PPT The sun also rises - Ernest Hemingway 热度: Bookreport——The_Sun_Also_Rises 热度: The Sun Also Rises- Ernest Hemingway 热度: TheSunalso Rises 英语语言文学系 王晓囡 Thesunalsorises ...
Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises Some Points of Departure Some Points for Discussion Hemingway’s Style Minimalism The Iceberg Theory Use of Dialogue The Code Hero The Iceberg Theory "If a writer of prose knows enough about what he is writing about he may omit things that he knows and the ...
The sun also rises 讲解:PPT制作:Content1.BriefIntroduction2.Characters3.Motifs4.Conclusion Biography ErnestMillerHemingway(July21,1899–July2,1961)wasanAmericanwriterandjournalist.Hewaspartofthe1920sexpatriatecommunityinParis,andoneoftheveteransofWorldWarI,laterknownas"theLostGeneration.“Hereceived...
Sun Also Rises, The原典英语特别推荐原版英语自学辅导电子书 热度: 【英文原版小说】The Sun Also Rises【太阳照样升起】 热度: The sun is shining课件 热度: 太阳报 BriefintroductionBriefintroduction 英国《太阳报》(The Sun)是富商基思·鲁珀特·
《太阳照常升起 The Sun Also Rises 英文版 》读书笔记思维导图PPT模板下载 《太阳照常升起TheSunAlsoRises英文 版》最新版读书笔记,下载可以直接修改 思维导图PPT模板 本书关键字分析思维导图 历史 时段 男女 情感 感情 名城 障碍 年 代人 纠葛巴黎 爱情 意识 生活 创伤 青年 机能 背景 战争 01BOOKI 03BOOK...