Previously on The Summer I Turned Pretty... 从我还是婴儿起 每年夏天我们全家都会去 My family's been going to Susannah's beach house in Cousins 苏珊娜在考辛斯的海滨别♥墅♥ every summer since I was a baby. 看看是谁女大十八变啊 Look who came back all growed up. 苏珊娜告诉我...
我这里有一份它的高清全集无删减的完整可播放资源,已完结完整版全集,不卡顿无广告,可以光速免费在线观看,点击[我变美的那夏天 第一季 The Summer I Turned Pretty Season 1 2022]来看看吧~
内容提示: 《我变美的那夏天》前情提要 Previously on The Summer I Turned Pretty... -我们只能回家吗 -这里值得更好的告别 - We're supposed to go home now? - I mean, this place deserves a better goodbye than that. 我们应该办一场盛大的派对 I think we should throw a huge party. 敬最后...
The Summer I Turned Pretty《我变美的那夏天(2022)》第二季第四集完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 前情提要… PreviouslyonTheSummerITurnedPretty... 从我还是婴儿起每年夏天我们全家都会去 Myfamily'sbeengoingtoSusannah'sbeachhouseinCousins 苏珊娜在考辛斯的海滨别♥墅♥ ...
PreviouslyonTheSummerITurnedPretty... 我已经决定卖♥♥掉它了 I'vedecidedtomoveaheadwiththesale. 明天就是开放参观日 Actually,we'regonnahaveanopenhousetomorrow. -惊喜-我们要失去这栋房♥子了 -Surprise!-We'relosingthehouse. 我们一起想办法 We'llfigureitouttogether. 你写了一本漂亮的书 Youwrote...
The Summer I Turned Pretty《我变美的那夏天(2022)》第二季第四集完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 《我变美的那夏天》前情提要 PreviouslyonTheSummerITurnedPretty... 今天的开放参观日取消了 Today'sopenhousehasbeencancelled. 所以我需要你们都出去 SoIneedyoualloutofthehouse. ...
Prime Video has announced the return of its hit series The Summer I Turned Pretty, launching with three episodes on Friday, July 14, 2023, with new episodes following weekly until the season finale on Friday, August 18, 2023. Based on the best-selling book trilogy from Jenny Han, Season ...
The Summer I Turned Pretty《我变美的那夏天(2022)》第二季第四集完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 《我变美的那夏天》前情提要 PreviouslyonTheSummerITurnedPretty... 你无权动这房♥子里的仸何东西那是她的东西 Youhadnorighttotouchanythinginthishouse.Thosewereherthings. ...
What happens in The Summer I Turned Pretty season 2? There’s still plenty of room for surprise, since season 2 is still being released on a weekly basis. But this season is currently dealing with the fallout of Conrad and Belly’s break-up and the grief of both brothers. ...
'The Summer I Turned Pretty' is back on Amazon Prime for season 2, with episodes released weekly. Here's the full episode release schedule and season 3 news.