原文:The protagonist of black cat has a black cat named Pluto. One day, under the influence of alcohol, he dug out the black cat's eyes, and later hanged it on the tree. After that, he adopted another black cat that was very similar to Pluto with regret. However, over ...
view of the school.The second part gives anaccount ofonemajor theoryof psychoanalysis—the structural model of personalities.Serving as an interpreting vehicle forthe criticism to be conducted,the theroywill be adopted and applied later to the analysis ofthe unreliable narrator inThe Black Cat. ...
书虫-第3级《黒猫》第1课-爱伦·坡 短篇小说-The Black Cat - Barmecide于20240406发布在抖音,已经收获了2个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
the black cat读后感 爱伦·坡的就像一场奇异的噩梦,让我在阅读的过程中,心一直被揪着,仿佛被一只无形的手拽进了那个充满诡异和惊悚的世界。 故事里的主人公原本是个善良、喜爱动物的人,家里养着好多宠物,其中那只黑猫“普路托”最得他的欢心。这黑猫又大又漂亮,聪明伶俐,跟主人亲昵得不得了。主人公走到哪儿...
When I read The Black Cat, I saw a psycho, a murderer who cruelly killed a black cat loved by his wife, then brutishly murdered his wife instead of his second cat, and hid her carcass in the wall. I was confused with the behavior of the man who did all that damn things and ...
《黑猫 (The Black Cat)》:杀死黑猫,杀死妻子,也杀死自己。 读完《黑猫》,浮现于眼前的是烧焦了的、带有血腥味的红,以及无边的黑。这是一部剧情不复杂的短篇小说,仔细回想,“那只黑猫(The Black Cat)”实则是一条作者走向自我毁灭的道路——黑的,漫无止境的,如同主人公酗酒过后的黑夜;在绳索和斧子砍下的时...
The Black Cat续写 《The Black Cat》当我即将被绞刑架吊死时,我的意识渐渐变得模糊,我的灵魂似乎已与我的身体分开,正当我以为我将乘上去往天堂的列车时,我眼前出现了当初的那一幕:我被无形的力量推动着,继续对那只无辜的猫下了毒手,令我惊奇的是,当我转身离开树,树上被吊死的猫竟化作一位女巫!女...
the black cat 读后感英文 (中英文版) After immersing myself in the chilling narrative of "The Black Cat" by Edgar Allan Poe, I was struck by the profound darkness and psychological depth that permeate the tale.The story, laced with a sense of guilt and horror, left an indelible mark on ...
the black cat中文译本the black cat中文译本 《TheBlackCat》是爱伦·坡的一篇著名短篇小说,讲述了一个男人因为酗酒和暴力而逐渐失去理智,最终犯下了可怕的罪行。这篇小说以其深刻的心理描写和令人毛骨悚然的情节而闻名于世。 故事的主人公是一个名叫普罗斯佩罗的男人,他是一个喜欢动物的人,尤其是黑猫。在他的...