The Sum of All Fears: Directed by Phil Alden Robinson. With Ian Mongrain, Russell Bobbitt, James Cromwell, Ken Jenkins. CIA analyst Jack Ryan must stop the plans of a Neo-Nazi faction that threatens to induce a catastrophic conflict between the United St
The Far Side of the Moon (2003) Constantine Gregory General Bulgakov GoldenEye (1995) Griffith Brewer Burn Victim Happy Birthday to Me (1981) Jacklyn St. Pierre Baltimore Nurse The Sum of All Fears (2002) Mariah Inger Baltimore Nurse The Spiderwick Chronicles (2008) Mark Antony Kru...
we're-all-going-to-die-in-five-seconds-if-somebody-doesn't-do-something tradition that keeps things cracking in the very eventful life of Jack Ryan, hijacker of submarines, friend of princes, wizard of Wall Street, true spirit of the CIA, and devoted father. This time Ryan's nemeses are...
The old certainties of the Cold War have been swept away by the new tide of detente that has washed over the superpowers. But even if international superpower relations have changed, human nature has not altered very much. The new powder keg is the Middle East where this adventure story is...
惊天核网 The Sum of All Fears (2002) 电影 美国 德国 英语 俄语 乌克兰语 德语 阿拉伯语 剧情 动作 惊悚 1973年的第四次中东战争中,一架携带着核武器的以色列战机在叙利亚被击毁,核弹随之便被时间和风沙掩埋。然而29年后,核弹却被一对平民夫妇掘起,并廉价变卖给军火商,最后兜售给了恐怖分子,而这些恐怖分子...
Lead a team of domestic counter-terrorism experts through 11 dangerous missions that span the globe. Formed from the elite of the F.B.I.'s HRT, you have been tapped to perform covert ops in the most dangerous circumstances imaginable. As the commander of this team, you'll lead your unit...
>惊天核网 The Sum of All Fears 导演:菲尔·奥尔登·罗宾森 简体中文名:惊天核网 类型:动作, 剧情, 惊悚 官方网站: 片长:124 分钟, Spain: 128 分钟 编剧:汤姆·克兰西/保罗·阿塔那斯奥/丹尼尔·佩尼 语言:英语, 俄语, 乌克兰语, 德语, 阿拉伯语 ...
The Sum of All FearsKrugman, Paul
类型:动作/恐怖 级别:PG-13 出品:派拉蒙 日期:2002年5月31日 美国中央情报局特工杰克·赖恩(本·艾佛莱克)接手一个新的恐怖案件:一枚核武器落入外国恐怖分子手中,他们的目的是在俄罗斯和美国之间制造一场战争。 恐怖分子煽动美俄关系,年迈的俄罗斯总统猝死,身份神秘的继位者瞬间接手。俄罗斯分裂城市车臣受化学武器...
《恐惧的总和》(The Sum of All Fears) 片名:The Sum of All Fears 导演:菲尔-阿尔登-罗宾逊(Phil Alden Robinson) 编剧:阿奇瓦-古德斯曼(Akiva Goldsman) 主演:本-阿弗莱克(Ben Affleck) 摩根-弗里曼(Morgan Freeman) 詹姆斯-克罗姆威尔(James Cromwell) 布里吉特-莫伊纳罕(Bridget Moynahan) 丽芙-...