The suffix _ext. in the regulon name indicates lower confidence annotations (by default inferred by motif similarity) are also used. b-d Specific SCENIC transcription factor regulons co-localize with TSCs, and cells associated with JZP and LP lineage. Cells were coloured by AUC score for ...
1. (Physiology) any of the faculties by which the mind receives information about the external world or about the state of the body. In addition to the five traditional faculties of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell, the term includes the means by which bodily position, temperature, ...
1. (Physiology) any of the faculties by which the mind receives information about the external world or about the state of the body. In addition to the five traditional faculties of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell, the term includes the means by which bodily position, temperature, ...
Define or describe the following biological term: Microscope. Define Biology. 1. Define Biology. Analyze and define the following word: "genetics". (In this exercise, analysis should consist of separating the word into its prefix, combining form, and suffix, and giving the meaning of the word...
What does "articulates with" mean in biology? Give a definition of a gamete. What does the suffix "-logy" mean? What is the definition of health science? In the context of Biology, define the following term: Chiasma. What is the definition of a ...
(hepat), is better understood when you know where the liver is and how it functions. No previous knowledge of biology, anatomy, or physiology is needed for this study. Explanations in this book are straightforward and basic.• Be aware of spelling and pronunciation problems. Some medical ...
in cell structures. Microscopy in ultraviolet rays, introduced in 1903, soon became an important means of studying the cytochemistry of cells, specifically, the nucleic acids. Fluorescence microscopy also came into use. In 1941 the phase-contrast microscope appeared, enabling scientists to distinguish ...
(Fig.1b right). Such a newleafnode was assigned a new, unique ID and was given a structure name and acronym of an original inner node, suffixed respectively with “_peripheral” and “_peri”. These suffixes were chosen because an original inner node was typically larger than a newleaf...
“omics revolution” has been trendy in science, especially the biological sciences. The phrase comes from the suffix of many subfields of biology such as genomics(the study of DNA), proteomics(the study of proteins and enzymes), microbiomics(the study of microorganisms that live in and on us...
1. (Physiology) any of the faculties by which the mind receives information about the external world or about the state of the body. In addition to the five traditional faculties of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell, the term includes the means by which bodily position, temperature, ...