suffix forming nouns indicating an action, state, condition, or quality:benevolence;residence;patience. [via Old French from Latin-entia,from-ēns,present participial ending] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000,...
What does the suffix "-logy" mean? Define the prefix, Squam-. Define the prefix, desmo-. Define the prefix, Histo-. What term means repelled by water? Define the following word: "virusemia". Define the following word: "pelvicephalometry". ...
Supplementary Exercise for unit 7-8Supplementary Exercise for unit 7-8 Practice 7.1 Terminology 1. The suffix -desis as in arthrodesis means. A.切除 B.固定 C.修复 D.切开 2. Cerebromalacia is defined as abnormalof the substance of the cerebrum. A. enlargement B. hardening C. shrinking D....
The root word 'MANDIBUL/O' means: a) lower jaw. b) rib. c) upper jaw. d) cartilage cell. The suffix '-MEGALY' means: a) abnormal condition. b) tumor or mass. c) disease process. d) enlargement. 'CRANI/O' means: a) skull. b) bone...
constitutes the simile; everything seems to present itself as the readiest, the correctest and the simplest means of expression. It actuallyseems, to use one of Zarathustra`s own phrases, as if all things came unto one, and would fain be similes: `Here do all things ...
Calculation for me means I'm gonna tell this girl she looks really nice at her sister's wedding because I fucking care about her and I want these kids to know that I care about them. So I'm calculating how I'm going to express that I care about them. The ...