This article presents an interview with Ron Terwilliger, chairman and CEO of Trammel Crow Residential, about the subprime mortgage crisis. He explained that the crisis has impacted the multifamily housing market as lenders have become more cautious. Asked how serious is the problem in the subprime...
The subprime-mortgage crisis influnces the credit-card market in that___ 3. 次级抵押贷款危机影响信用卡市场 在于___ [A] the fall of asset values affects the card borrowers’ creditworthiness. [A]资产价值的降低影响了信用卡借款人 的信用度。 [B] the decrease in the mortgage payment leads to...
The financial collapse of 2007 to 2009 is commonly referred to as the subprime mortgage crisis because this lending practice is considered the main trigger of the collapse. The Federal Reserve definessubprime mortgagesas “loans made to borrowers who are perceived to have high credit risk, often b...
英语翻译 The subprime mortgage crisis is a current economic problem characterized by contracted liquidity in the global credit markets and banking system.An undervaluation of real risk in the subprime market ultimately resulted in cascades and ripple effects affecting the world economy generally. The cr...
mortgagesubprimecrisis次级抵押贷款 TheMerrillLynchCenter fortheStudyof InternationalFinancialServicesandMarkets Dr.GeorgePapaioannou Director Prof.GioiaBales CenterAdministrator “Establishedtopromoteandfacilitate facultyandstudentstudyinthefieldof internationalfinancialservicesandmarkets andtocommunicateknowledgetothe academi...
The subprime mortgage crisisPPT课件 Thesubprimemortgagecrisis 2008 1 专家评说 美联储前主席格林斯潘撰文指出:“有一天,人们回首今日,可能会把美国当前的金融危机评为二战结束以来最严重的危机。”金融大鳄索罗斯认为:“全球长达60年的大牛市已经结束,全球正面临60年以来最严重的金融危机。”“次债危机是二战以来...
The subprime mortgage crisis is an ongoing financial crisis triggered by a dramatic rise in mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures in the United States, with major adverse consequences for banks and financial markets around the world. The crisis, which has its roots in the closing years of the 20...
During the subprime mortgage crisis of 2007–2008, previously profitable loans to subprime borrowers turned sour and investments thought to be as safe as government debt sustained severe and unexpected losses. The crisis reconfigured the US financial services industry and helped spark the worst economic...
TheUnitedStatessubprimemortgagecrisis Sub-PrimeAndTheCreditCrunch Theglobalfinancialmarketisatitsmostcriticaljunctureinalmost80years.Howdidthishappen?Howcanweresolveitandhowcanwepreventitfromhappeningagain?Ourresponsibilities:Thisisclearlyaglobalmess.Everyone,fromcentralbankersandfinancialindustryleaderstothemaninthe...