1.A literary and artistic movement of the 1900s that attempts to express the workings of the subconscious and is characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtaposition of subject matter. 2.Literature or art produced in this style. ...
Documentation of Spanish Art at the Frick Art Reference LibraryFernando Molina Alcalde
(The earth, like the other planets, is subject to these same laws of movement; it endures a perpetual, internal struggle between its basic elements: the sea and the land seem to be eternally at war, and each instant produces fresh combinations. …… Human beings, dwelling in a place so ...
On the censorship of Tycho Brahe's books in Iberia Passages of various works of the Danish astronomer were included in the Spanish Indices of 1632, 1640 and 1707, although the formal condemnation of the Roman Inquisition never materialized. In the network of the Society of Jesus a ... Luís...
ride on a railTo punish severely, to chastise mercilessly; to subject to public abuse and scorn; to banish, ostracize, or exile; in the latter sense usuallyto ride out of town on a rail. It was formerly the practice to punish a wrongdoer by seating him astride a rail, or horizontal be...
they asserted the right of the crown to control over the church in civil matters. In the extreme regalists’ view, the state should take care of charity and education, and it should subject priests to civil jurisdiction for civil crimes and assert the traditional rights of the crown over chu...
Bachelor's degree in any subject TEFL certificate Clean criminal background check Some regions, like Latin America, have fewer requirements while others, like the Middle East, may require prospective teachers to have teaching licenses and advanced degrees. ...
ThePradohouses several masterpieces by Spanish artists Diego Velázquez, Francisco Goya and Francisco Zurbarán. Arguably its most famous work is Velázquez’sLas Meninas, an oil on canvas considered among the most important paintings in Western art. ...
melodic theme, musical theme, theme, idea - (music) melodic subject of a musical composition; "the theme is announced in the first measures"; "the accompanist picked up the idea and elaborated it" part, voice - the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music; "...
where he was coming from. Hanna was extraordinary. But I couldn’t shake this feeling of wanting another dog. Occasionally I would broach the subject, hoping that his thoughts might change or his heart would come around, but each time I found him still holding fast to his original thoughts...