The paper follows the lives of Mateu Orfila and François Magendie in early nineteenth-century Paris, focusing on their common interest in poisons. The first part deals with the striking similarities of their early careers: their medical training, their popular private lectures, and their first pu...
immunologist- a medical scientist who specializes in immunology scientist- a person with advanced knowledge of one or more sciences serologist- a medical scientist who specializes in serology toxicologist- one who studies the nature and effects of poisons and their treatment ...
The control of poisons: A study of the attempts to impose a professional discipline upon the chemists and druggists of England up to the Pharmacy Act of 1868Christine Hagar
cortisoneand syntheticcorticosteroid drugsused in treating inflammatory diseases such as arthritis; vitamins and dietary minerals; antidotes for poisons; and various drugs that act asstimulantsordepressantson all or various parts of the nervous system, includinganalgesics,narcotics,amphetamines, andbarbiturate...
It is precisely this kind of game that "poisons" the students who are in the prime of Shaohua. The promotion of game advertisements, realistic visuals, character swapping, and stimulating experiences have affected learning, and even more so, recharging high game coins has left families in debt...
Alice Ottoboni ―Chemical Carcinogens", © 1976, by The American Chemical Society, ―Principles of Toxicology – The Study of Poisons‖, 1980, by Casarett and Doull, ―The Basic Science of Poisons‖, © 2001, Casarett, Amdur, Klaassen, Doull ―Our Stolen Future‖, © 1996, Theo Col...
“Theriac is good for the most serious afflictions of the human body as epilepsy,catalepsy,headache, stomach ache, migraine,hoarseness,bronchitis, asthma, jaundice,dropsy, leprosy. It induces menstruation and expels thedead fetus. It is especially good against all poisons, and bites. It ...
Central stimulatory and hallucinogenic drugs of abuse like amphetamine and most congeners of amphetamine can have cardiac harmful effects. These cardiac si
Aconitumis a genus of herbal medicine in theRanunculaceaefamily, with more than 400 species all over the world [1].Aconitumplants, also having the names of aconite, monkshood, wolf’s bane, queen of poisons, are a branch of herbal drugs in traditional Chinese Medicine [2].Caowu,Chuanwu, ...
Molecular docking is a computational technique that predicts the binding affinity of ligands to receptor proteins. Although it has potential uses in nutraceutical research, it has developed into a formidable tool for drug development. Bioactive substance