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Assuming no prior knowledge in the subject, Yule presents information in short, bite-sized sections, introducing the major concepts in language study - from how children learn language to why men and women speak differently, through all the key elements of language. This fou... (展开全部) ...
作者:George Yule 出品人: 页数:284 译者: 出版时间:2006 价格:USD 32.99 装帧:Paperback isbn号码:9780521543200 丛书系列: 图书标签:语言学linguistics普通语言学入门英语学习语言English考研英语 The Study of Language 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 ...
The Study of Language 星级: 186 页 九年级政治(上)吴 星级: 16 页 The study of language 星级: 2 页 yule3 星级: 5 页 The Yule Log(PDF)-下载 星级: 2 页 娱乐媒体稿yule 星级: 2 页 2 Yule Be the Death of Me - J.D. Shaw 星级: 976 页 语言...
内容提示: http://e-flt.nus.edu.sg/ Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching 2010, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 255–256 © Centre for Language Studies National University of Singapore Review of “The Study of Language” Title The Study of Language Author George Yule Year of Publication ...
btw我搜“hyponymy”的意思有“上-下位关系”和“下位关系”,上位关系是hypernymy(the Cambridge encyclopedia of Language这本书里面有提),那可不可以说hypernymy(上位关系)和下位关系都是hyponymy(上下位关系)中的一种,换句话也就是说hypernymy和hyponymy是co-hyponyms? 2023-12-27 回复喜欢 刘柏 "...
the first two chapters in the book are helpful in providing the reader with an overview of what makes human language unique,before launching into a more rapt discussion on linguistics. In Chapter 3,which replaces the former chapter on Writing,Yule introduces the reader Adisorn Prathoomthin et ...
语言在历史发展中经历着变化,这些变化离不开社会、文化的浸染。早在十八世纪末,一位英国学者发现印度和欧洲的语言似乎有共同的来源。从那时起,语言学家便开始关注语言的历史发展,其中十九世纪发现的语言谱系树(family tree)揭示了不同语言间的联系。有人认为世界上约有30个语言谱系,进而演变出四千多种语言。 历史语...
of publication singapore publisher cambridge university press reviewed by priscillia li eng pui george yule s the study of language was first published in 1985 and since then the book has enjoyed a sufficient amount of popularity and success as an introductory textbook to linguistics much of the ...
实际上,本书认为人们创造并使用语言,来满足表达上的需求。 综上就是《语言研究》一书第十九、二十和二十一章的内容啦!同时本书所有章节内容已呈现完毕。 参考文献: George,Y. 2000.The Study of Language[M]. Cambridge University Press. 语言语言学语言与社会读书思想...