1980 . Structure and morphogenesis of the uterus, placenta, and paraplacental organs of the neotropical disc-winged bat Thyroptera tricolor spix (Microchiroptera: Thyropteridae) . Am J Anat 159 : 209 – 243 .WIMSATT WA and AC ENDERS. 1980. Structure and morphogenesis of the uterus, placenta...
1966. The structure of the musculature of the human uterus--muscles and connective tissue. Am J Obstet Gynecol 94(3):391-404.Schwalm H, Dubrauszky V. 1966. The structure of the musculature of the human uterus: muscles and connective tissue. Am J Obstet Gynecol 94:391- 404....
The hollow, muscular organ of female mammals to which a fertilized egg attaches before developing into an embryo. In most mammals the uterus is divided into two sac-like parts, whereas in humans it is a single structure. It lies between the bladder and rectum and is attached to the vagina...
The fine structure of adult Onchocerca volvulus. V. The digestive tract and the reproductive system of the female worm. The morphology of the oesophagus, the intestine, the ovary, the uterus, the vagina and some inclusions in the body cavity are described in worms of differe... M Franz,DW...
Burton, G.J.: The fine structure of the human placental villus as revealed by scanning electron microscopy. Scanning Electron Microsc.1: 1811–1828, 1987. CASGoogle Scholar Burton, G.J., Mayhew, T.M. and Robertson, L.A.: Stereological re-examination of the effects of varying oxygen tensio...
Bothfallopiantubes(whichcarrytheeggfromtheovariestotheuterus)arecut,sealed,orblockedsothatspermcannotreachtheeggtofertilizeit. isthmus 10 Summaries:theuterinetubes (1)Structure ●isthmus(constricted) ●ampulla(curved) ●infundibulum(funnel-shaped) ●fimbriae(ciliated,fingerlike) (2)Functions ●receivetheovul...
●theoocyteiscarriedintotheuterinetube 8 DisruptingtheTubes:SterilizationinWomen isthmus Bothfallopiantubes(whichcarrytheeggfromtheovariestotheuterus)arecut,sealed,orblockedsothatspermcannotreachtheeggtofertilizeit.9 Summaries:theuterinetubes (1)Structure ...
b.Any of various organs, such as lymph nodes, that resemble true glands but perform a nonsecretory function. 2.BotanyAn organ or a structure that secretes a substance. [Frenchglande, from Old Frenchglandre, alteration of Latinglandula, diminutive ofglāns, gland-,acorn.] ...
The fine structure of the secretory cells of the uterus (shell gland) of the chicken The secretory processes in the shell gland of laying chickens were the subject of this study. Three cell types contribute secretory material to the forming egg: ciliated and non‐ciliated columnar cells of the...
torridon hotel torsen differential torsion design and an torsion impact test torsion the uterus torsion-coneconsistom torsional fatigue tes torsional vibration f torsionoffallopiantub torsionoftesticularap torso weight hanger torso-line torstai tort damages tort ional vibration tortoise tail long bo torto...