The urinary system is a series of connected organs in the human body that process and eliminate urine. The organs considered part of this system are the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra. The bladder and urethra are located in the abdomen and are connected to the kidneys by two tubes ...
Urinary System | Anatomy, Organs & Diagram from Chapter 18 / Lesson 1 106K Explore the structure of the urinary system, learn which organs are part of it, and discover how these organs perform a vital function in the human body. Related...
The organs of the urinary system include the ___, renal pelvis, ureters, bladder and ___. 参考答案: 1、kidneys 2、urethra点击查看答案 你可能感兴趣的试题 问答题25.热爱孩子的 点击查看答案 问答题根据工作电压的高低,电器分为 和 。 点击查看答案 不定项选择“相信”、“注意”、“着急”作为心理...
Testicles (testes).These are oval organs about the size of large olives that lie in your scrotum, secured at either end by a structure called the spermatic cord. Most men or people AMAB have two testes. The testes are responsible for makingtestosterone, the primary male sex hormone.They ...
Related to urinary system:digestive system urinary system adult human urinary system urinary system n. The bodily system consisting of the organs that produce, collect, and eliminate urine and including the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. ...
CommonKnowledgeoftheUrinarySystem I.Introduction Themajorfunctionoftheurinarysystemistoremoveureafromthebloodstreamsothatitdoesnotaccumulateinthebodyandbecometoxic.Ureaisformedintheliverfromammonia,whichinturnis derivedfromthebreakdownofsimpleproteins(aminoacids)inthebodycells.Theureaiscarriedinthebloodstreamtothe...
Chapter 26: The urinary systemTortora, Gerard JDerrickson, Bryan
1、The Urinary System泌尿系统泌尿系统The Urinary SystemCompositionnKidney 肾肾form urinenUreter 输尿管输尿管conduct urine from kidneys to bladdernBladder 膀胱膀胱receives and stores urinenUrethra 尿道尿道conducts urine from bladder to exterior of body (discharged) Kidney 肾肾General featuresnBean ...
泌尿系统The Urinary System 内脏学绪论组成肾输尿管膀胱尿道功能ppt课件.ppt,泌尿系统 The Urinary System;绪论;蚕豆形;肾门;肾的结构(剖面);位置: 脊柱两侧 、 腹膜后间隙内 腹后壁上部;泌尿系统--肾;毗邻;右肾;肾被膜;肾段血管和肾段 肾段动脉 肾段:上段、上前段、下