Journal of NeurobiologyWilson JA ( 1979 ) The structure and function of serially homologous leg motor neurons in the locust: I. Anatomy . J Neurobiol 10 : 41 – 65 , doi: 10.1002/neu.480100105 , pmid: 521809 .Wilson JA (1979) The structure and function of serially homologous leg motor ...
motor neuron- a neuron conducting impulses outwards from the brain or spinal cord efferent neuron,motoneuron,motor nerve fiber nerve cell,neuron- a cell that is specialized to conduct nerve impulses efferent,efferent nerve,motor nerve- a nerve that conveys impulses toward or to muscles or glands ...
Define Motor neurons. Motor neurons synonyms, Motor neurons pronunciation, Motor neurons translation, English dictionary definition of Motor neurons. n. A neuron that conveys impulses from the central nervous system to a muscle, gland, or other effector
In addition to having the largest brain relative to body size, humans also have more neurons per unit volume thanseveral other species. A major reason for this is the amount of surface area on the human brain. The surface area in the brain is created by all of the folds in the tissue....
C. elegans neurons were thought to be non-spiking until our recent discovery of action potentials in the sensory neuron AWA; however, the extent to which the C. elegans nervous system relies on analog or digital coding is unclear. Here we show that the enteric motor neurons AVL and DVB fir...
Figure 10.6 Structure of the Neuromuscular Junction Process Diagrams Step-by-Step Copyright © 2007 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Motor Unit: Nerve-Muscle Functional Unit Nerve Supply to a Muscle. Nerve Supply Motor Neuron: Nerve that stimulates a muscle cell. A single nerve (motor neuron) wil...
S. Primary motor cortex of the parkinsonian monkey: differential effects on the spontaneous activity of pyramidal tract-type neurons. Cereb. Cortex 21, 1362–1378 (2011). PubMed Google Scholar Thu, D. C. et al. Cell loss in the motor and cingulate cortex correlates with symptomatology in ...
At a cellular level, the high-level hardware encased in our skulls is at a structural sweet spot closely approaching a phase transition. A common feature of this critical point is the branch-like structure of neurons, known as fractal patterns. ...
The central nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord, while the peripheral nervous system is composed of the sensory and motor neurons of the body. Discover how sensory neurons, such as photoreceptors and thermoreceptors, collect sensory...
Related to motoneuron:Motor neurons mo·to·neu·ron (mō′tə-no͝or′ŏn′, -nyo͝or′-) n. A motor neuron. [moto(r)+neuron.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by...