The femur is not only the longest bone in the body, but also its strongest, capable of supporting as much as 30 times the weight of your body, according to the Cleveland Clinic. "It helps to support the weight of the skeleton and is critical for stability and walking," Glatter said. ...
The femuris one of the most well-described bones of the human skeleton in fields ranging from clinical anatomy to forensic medicine. Because it is the longest and strongest bone in the human body, and thus, one of the most well-preserved in skeletal remains, it makes the greatest contributio...
Tibiais the second largest bone in the human body and no doubt the strongest bone of human body because it bears the body weight of person. It forms the inner-lower part of human leg. The average length of tibia is 43.03 CM. Tibia is Latin word which means an ancient type of musical ...
Which is the largest and still the strongest bone of the face? What is greater trochanter in the human body? What is the appendicular skeleton in the human body made of? Where are long bones located in the body? A young adult has how many bones on average?
What is the strongest bone of the face? Why? Which is the largest and still the strongest bone of the face? What is the longest and strongest bone in the body? Why? Which bones make up the facial part of the skull? What is the longest and heaviest bone in the body?
Bones of the thigh, leg and foot: Connecting the pelvic girdle to the lower leg is the femur, the longest and strongest bone in the body. The femur connects through the knee joint (which is covered and protected by the patella, or kneecap) to the shin bone (tibia). Slightly smaller ...
Bones of the thigh, leg and foot: Connecting the pelvic girdle to the lower leg is the femur, the longest and strongest bone in the body. The femur connects through the knee joint (which is covered and protected by the patella, or kneecap) to the shin bone (tibia). Slightly smaller ...
The largest and strongest bone in the body is the femur. The smallest bones are in the middle ear. Where bones meet is a cushion of cartilage. Bones are held together by tough ligaments. Bones consist of hard bone gives structure, spongy bone, which is still hard, but has more air pock...
Related to Largest bone: Smallest bonefe·mur (fē′mər) n. pl. fe·murs or fem·o·ra (fĕm′ər-ə) 1. a. A bone of the leg situated between the pelvis and knee in humans. It is the largest and strongest bone in the body. b. A functionally similar bone in the ...
The single horseshoe-shaped mandible [MAN de b’l], seen anteriorly in Figure 14-13, is the largest and strongest bone of the face. Generally speaking, it is bilaterally symmetrical, and it contains all of the mandibular teeth. It is attached by ligaments and muscles to the re...