Captain Marvel is perhaps the strongest Avenger in her base form, but after undergoing a gross transformation, she becomes the ultimate Avenger.
He has reprised the role in 10 of the franchise’s other films: “Iron Man 2,”“Thor,”“Captain America: The First Avenger,”“The Avengers,”“Captain America: The Winter Soldier,”“Avengers: Age of Ultron,”“Avengers: Infinity War,”“Captain Marvel,”“Avengers Endgame,” and “... 【テック・オン・アベンジャーズ誕生秘話】Behind the Cover: Marvel's New Comic Sensation, TECH-ON AVENGERS! マーベル・コミックスとTAMASHII NATIONSのスペシャルコラボ『テック・オン・アベンジャーズ』。 New York Comic Conに合わせて...
Marvel Captain America The First Avenger,奇迹船长美国第一复仇者,Alexander C. Irvine,Paper Rocket,Marvel Captain America The First Avenger奇迹船长美国复仇者
7.Captain America: The First Avenger(2011) Marvel 8.Captain America: The First Avenger(2011) A little loose in its plotting (an entire war is basically crammed into a montage) but Chris Evans’ Captain America may be the most successful translation of a character in the entire MCU. This ...
Who He Is: Thor is the Asgardian God of Thunder and self-described "most attractive Avenger." Why He's So Ruthless: Thor has been a warrior for 1,500 years. He's seen countless battles and seems to revel in the art of combat, especially when he's first introduced to the fr...
The full list of Marvel movies in order, both by release date and chronologically in order of when the events of the movie take place.
全球影迷们对漫威电影《复仇者联盟》(Marvel's The Avengers)的热爱无需赘言,但对于英文原名背后的选择,你是否有所疑惑?为什么不是《复仇者》(The Revengers)呢?这个看似简单的更迭,其实蕴含着深刻的含义和文化差异。当我们谈论复仇,复仇者(Avenger)和复仇者(Revenger)这两个词汇或许第一时间...
基础观影顺序(漫威MCU) | 截止到2022年,按照漫威电影宇宙(MCU)的故事发展顺序观影顺序大致如下: 1. 《美国队长:复仇者先锋》(Captain America: The First Avenger)(设定在二战时期) 2. 《惊奇队长》(Captain Marvel)(故事发生在1995年) 3. 《钢铁侠》(Iron Man)(故事发生在2010年左右) ...
Who He Is:Thor is the Asgardian God of Thunder and self-described "most attractive Avenger." Why He's So Ruthless:Thor has been a warrior for 1,500 years. He's seen countless battles and seems to revel in the art of combat, especially when he's first introduced to the frailty...