在1973年发表的论文《弱关系的力量》(The Strength of Weak Ties)中,格兰诺维特发现令人惊奇的是,和挚友相比,人们更愿 … it.sohu.com|基于69个网页 2. 弱连带优势 作者的主要理论概念如“镶嵌”(embeddedness)以及“弱连带优势”(the strength of weak ties)等,是当今世界社会学界应用 … ...
而通过weak ties,可以影响到更多的人。 在论证ego network的时候,作者首先将ego network分成了两部分: 一部分是和ego紧密联系,彼此互知, “few contacts not tied to ego”的密友,他们之间都是strong ties; 另一部分则彼此相互不熟悉,且”tied to individuals not tied to ego”,这些人都是通过weak ties和ego...
3) connecting strength 连接强度 1. Analysis of effect of thread parameter tolerances on connecting strength of tubing threads; 螺纹参数公差对油管螺纹连接强度的影响分析 2. The scope of the work included connecting strength,tightness and fatigue strength of the expansionjoints. 研究范围包括胀接...
The Strength of Weak Ties and the Weakness of Strong TiesFredberg, TobiasPiller, Frank T
The Strength of Weak Ties 英文文献资料.pdf,The Strength of Weak Ties Author(s): Mark S. Granovetter Source: The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 78, No. 6 (May, 1973), pp. 1360-1380 Published by: The University of Chicago Press Stable URL: /stable/277
在弱连接的力量(the Strength of Weak Ties)的理论中提到了,同质性(双方背景相似度高)的沟通虽然更频繁,但是在扩散性的重要性上,却远远比不上出现次数少的异质性沟通。 同质性沟通虽然加速了扩散的过程,...
The Strength of Weak TiesMark S. GranovetterThe American Journal ofSociology, Vol. 78, No. 6. (May, 1973), pp. 1360-1380.Stable URL:http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0002-9602%28197305%2978%3A6%3C1360%3ATSOWT%3E2.0.CO%3B2-EThe American Journal ofSociology is currently published by ...
TheStrengthofWeakTies TheStrengthofWeakTies MarkS.Granovetter TheAmericanJournalofSociology,1973 SlidesPreparedBy:AndrewMiklas1 Introduction “Oneofthemostinfluentialsociologypaperseverwritten”(Barabasi)Oneofthemostcited(CurrentContents,1986)Interviewedpeopleandasked:“Howdidyoufindyourjob?”Keptgettingthethesame...
The Strength of Weak Ties 来自 Elsevier 喜欢 0 阅读量: 7625 作者: Mark S. Granovetter 摘要: Analysis of social networks is suggested as a tool for linking micro and macro levels of sociological theory. The procedure is illustrated by elaboration of the macro implications of one aspect of ...
of my 1973 paper The Strength of Weak Ties (hereafter SWT) and work that elaborates those hy- potheses theoretically or uses them to suggest new empirical research not discussed in my original formulation. Along the way, I will reconsider various aspects of the theoretical argument, attempt to...