托马斯·S·艾伦:《蓝色的条纹快速加洛普舞曲》-Thomas S. Allen:Blue Streak Galop 01:45 【亨利·洛奇】《花蕾与花簇(或译:花团锦簇)梦幻曲》-Thomas Henry Lodge:Buds and Blossoms(1911年发表的圆舞曲) 02:34 【比莉·泰勒】《多芝吉蒂雷格》-Billie Taylor:Dogzigity Rag(1910年出版的拉格泰姆舞曲) ...
b. An inherent quality; a streak: "his upper-caste father, placid, inactive, with a strain of asceticism" (V.S. Naipaul). 5. The tone, tenor, or substance of a verbal utterance or of a particular action or behavior: spoke in a passionate strain. 6. often strains Music A passage of...
Out of the traffic Come streakin' around the grease rack there didn't Have nothin' on but a smile I looked in there and Ethel was gettin' Her a cold drink I hollered "Don't look Ethel " But it was too Late She'd already been mooned Flashed her right there in front of T...
talk a blue streak talkabout talk about your healt talk a matter over wi talk at talk back to talk down talk from the point talkin tequila talk of the town talk on the telephone talk over someones he talk sheer nonsense talk straight from th talk through our hat talk through their ne ...
3.streak,element,thread,suggestion,strain,trace,hint,dash,trait,sprinkling,nuance,smatteringThe song has a vein of black humour running through it. 4.seam,layer,stratum,course,current,bed,deposit,streak,stripe,lodea rich deep vein of copper in the rock ...
loses weight losgemaakt losillasaurus losing streak losing brand loyaltie losing firms into the losing gastroenteropa losing kosovo losing you is all i f losingstep loskaufspolitik f loslossofsignal loss adjuster loss compensation loss due to spoiled w loss during discharge loss during loading l lo...
The Streak (Ray Stevens Karaoke Tribute)(Karaoke Mix)(伴奏) Poptastik Karaoke酷狗音乐,让音乐改变世界 查看完整歌词 设为彩铃 AI·DJ AI唢呐 AI钢琴 AI骨笛 AI伴奏 AI清唱 AI尤克 AI调速 下载歌曲打开酷狗 评论歌手 精彩评论 还没有人发评论,快来抢沙发吧! 歌手 Poptastik Karaoke 3粉丝关注 打开酷狗...
Streak the nights Streak the nights With all our streaking We are gonna rip right through your brain Wanna unleash the power? Then just join us in our game Our streak game, yeah We you start to strip you never Want to clothe again ...
He kept his face clean-shaven, but his thick hair fell to his collar like a silver glacier, divided by a streak of midnight black. He has a cruel mouth, though, and a crueler tongue. His eyes seemed black as he sat outlined against the dying sun, sharpening his steel, but she had ...
The Stepmother: Directed by Howard Avedis. With Alejandro Rey, John Anderson, Katherine Justice, Larry Linville. As part of a blackmail plot, a woman is forced to seduce her new husband's son. Complications, including murder, ensue.