Bernard: "This pain. It's all that I have left of him." Dolores: "There aren't two versions of me. There's only one. And I think when I discover who I am, I'll be free. Gallery External Link The Stray at the Internet Movie Database (rating 8.3/10) (rating 8,3/10)...
At the decade's close, a TV comedy star and a sci-fi/horror director made an action movie about a regular joe in the wrong place at the wrong time... and inadvertently made the greatest action movie of all time (read our ultimate viewing guide to understand the full extent of its ...
Glen Powell goes full movie star with a magnetic turn — or, more accurately, turns — in Richard Linklater’s true story inspiredHit Man, a smoking hot rom-com with an intoxicating noir edge. Here, Powell plays philosophy-lecturer-turned-fake-assassin Gary Johnson, whose unlikely side...
atmospheric dread, and a striking visual palette. However, for those seeking a viscerally terrifyingDraculafilm, the movie might fall short, leaning heavily into the realm of erotic horror and psychological tension rather than outright scares. While the stunning cinematography, the film...
A photo from The Stray MoviePhoto: He continued, "During that period I have no memory of anything except after several minutes, I began to be able to hear. I could hear the boys crying, screaming, and praying for me. I heard my son say, 'don't die, dad! ...
A stray bullet, a car horn, a thin scream, and Roman Polanski’s “Chinatown” pulls off perhaps the greatest dumb-luck downer ending in American cinema. But the ironic finale derives its tragic heft from a cast (Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway and John Huston especially) working, alongside ev...
All this is bound to take me a few months. I'm working (full-time). I have other hobbies and other websites to update. So patience is essential.How does this version compare with the movie as we know it?(work in progress)Restoration process(work in progress)...
FULL REVIEW Window to the Movies Jeffrey Chen Frankly, anyone could have made this movie in the particular way it's presented. 1498089419000 FULL REVIEW CinePassion Fernando F. Croce A series of tasteful, stultifying reverent postcards, shorn of life, awe, mystery 1498087330000 FULL REVIEW Hollywo...
The 2015 James Franco-starring movie version, which debuted at that year’s Tribeca Film Festival, not so much. In After Adderall, Elliott directs a…... See full article at Deadline 1/10/2017 DeadlineHorror Highlights: Abbey Grace, The Mummy #1, Razors, Q&A with Stray Director Nena ...
Learn more about GATAO – The Last Stray in our full review. 9. As We Like It Chinese Title: 花咲了那女孩 | Directors: Chen Hung-i, Muni Wei | Starring: Aggie Hsieh, Puff Kuo | Genres: LGBTQ, Comedy, Romance Especially after 2019’s legalization of same-sex marriage, Taiwan has bec...