The story of the Philadelphia Experiment comes from a man named Carl Allen or “Carlos Allende,” his pseudonym. Carlos wrote a detailed description of the event, along with claims he was a witness aboard the SS Andrew Furuseth when the USS Eldridge arrived in Norfolk, Virginia. He sent the...
The film beautifully depicts the tender intimacy, personal growth, and emotional vulnerability faced by both characters as their love story unfolds. Not only does this tale of first love and self-discovery resonate with LGBTQ+ audiences, but it also serves as an important reminder of the ...
The story goes that in October of 1943, at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, an experiment was conducted aboard a US Navy Cannon-class destroyer escort called theUSS Eldridge,number DE-173. The experiment involved the creation of a force field which rendered the ship invisible both to the eye ...
Each quarter Thebeerchaser names an individual or group that may or may not have anything to do with beer or bars, but in my humble opinion, has made a contribution to society and have an interesting story to tell. The 1967 Giant Killers – worthy of merit!
So goes the story of the Philadelphia Experiment, perhaps the most famous and widely retold example of secret government experiments withteleportationand time travel. More than 70 years later, despite the absence of any physical evidence or corroborating testimony, the Philadelphia Experiment survives as...
Watch This Show If You Love: The Book of Boba Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars Rebels, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Solo: A Star Wars Story Why Should I Stream? As the first live-action series set within the Star Wars universe, The Mandalorian brings a fresh perspective to beloved fr...
16. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Homeless population: 4,725 Estimated rate of homelessness: 3.0 per 1,000 Change in homelessness, 2020-2023: 16% decrease Next:15. Washington, D.C. 12/29 Credit 15. Washington, D.C. Homeless population: 4,922 Estimated rate of homelessness: 7.3 per 1...
accepts that Al was his brother. He remembers going to Mars and many of the things that happened at Montauk. The process of remembering has been difficult for him, because it goes against his true nature. Hopefully, in time, we will all get the true story of what really happened at ...
The Museum of the African Diaspora (MoAD) is a Smithsonian-affiliated museum that offers a unique way to celebrate Black culture with interactive activities. Check out the penguins. the four-story rainforest and coral reef ecosystem at the California Academy of Sciences. ...
In 1777, on the first anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, Philadelphia kicked off the tradition by marking the day with fireworks. John Adams, credited with suggesting "pomp and parade ... bells, bonfires, and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other" for the ...