[英文故事] The Story of the Chinese Zodiac乐可布 98118 某一次在小步初见 Christopher Corr《Deep in the Woods》后,一秒变成粉丝!英国作家 Christopher Corr 笔下的人物或动物只要看过一次就很难让人忘记,每个看起来就像是眼睛脱窗的角色,却畸形的让人爱不释手,用色岂止艳丽,更加入了大量的荧光色混搭,记得...
Next to arrive was the tiger, securing third place in the race. The rabbit who disliked water chose to hop from stone to stone to cross the river, and then leaped onto a floating log, becoming the fourth of the zodiac animals. 接下来到达的是老虎,获得了比赛的第三名。兔子不喜欢水,选择从...
《The Great Race》英文直译就叫做“最伟大的那场竞赛”,果然只有“那场赛跑”可称得上世界最伟大的竞赛了,毕竟跑一回、赢一次,就可以获得生生世世永流传的“十二生肖”了! 如此经典的故事,老外在书封也做得非常中国风!使用像是布料材质的红纸,围绕着金色标题的是打凹的十二生肖,一旁又有打凸的图腾,年味十足...
当当瑞雅图书专营店在线销售正版《中国十二生肖故事 英文原版 The Great Race The Story of the Chinese Zodiac 中国民间习俗 传统文化英语故事绘本 英文版》。最新《中国十二生肖故事 英文原版 The Great Race The Story of the Chinese Zodiac 中国民间习俗 传统文化英语
当当华研外语旗舰店在线销售正版《中国十二生肖故事 英文原版 The Great Race The Story of the Chinese Zodiac 中国民间习俗 传统文化英语故事绘本 英文版》。最新《中国十二生肖故事 英文原版 The Great Race The Story of the Chinese Zodiac 中国民间习俗 传统文化英语
The Story ofChinese Zodiac Long, long time ago, people always forgot in which year they were born and couldnot figure out exactly how old they were.The Jade Emperor came up with an idea“It’s too difficult to remember a year. It would be easier to remember an animal.Why don’t we ...
The Story of Chinese ZodiacA long time ago, there were twelve animals - a dog, a pig, a rat, an ox,a tiger, a rabbit a sheep, a monkey, a dragon, a snake, a rooster and ahorse. One day, these twelve animals were arguing. t had been decided toname the years after them and ...
Do you know how we get the Chinese Zodiac( 生肖)?Well, this is the story of the great race.Long ago, the Jade Emperor(玉皇大帝)invited all the animals to a race across a great river. The Emperor wanted to name the years after the first twelve animals to finish the race.On the ...
英文原版 中国十二生肖故事 The Great Race The Story of the Chinese Zodiac 古老民间故事 Christopher Corr 进口英语书籍 Christopher Corr 著 京东价 ¥ 降价通知 累计评价 0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 - + 加入购物车 更多商品信息 ...
The Grear Race The Story of the Chinese Zodiac 作者:DawnCasey出版社:Barefoot Books出版时间:2014年02月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价降价通知 ¥49.50 配送至 上海 至北京市东城区 服务 由“中图上海进口图书旗舰店”发货,并提供售后服务。 中图上海进口图书旗舰店 ...