The story of Beowulf C. Piers the plowman D. The Canterbury Tales 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 【答案】A【解析】亚瑟王传奇有很多套诗组成,《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》可谓是顶颠之作;《贝奥武夫》是一首史诗,它主要记述了英雄贝奥武夫与格伦德尔,女妖和火龙战斗的英勇事迹;《农夫皮尔斯》是朗格兰的代表作...
The story of The Canterbury Tales begins with a frame narrative: a group of people go on a pilgrimage together, each telling a story along the way. The group starts out at the Tabard Inn in Southwark. They are on their way to the shrine of St. Thomas Becket in Canterbury. The ...
Beowulf is an Anglo-saxon poetry and the national epicof the English people英国文学始于盎格鲁撒克逊人的定居。《贝奥武甫》是一首盎格鲁-撒克逊诗歌,同时也是一首英国人民的国家史诗。1. The Story of Beowulf(《贝奥武甫》主要情节)Beowulf tells a story of Beowulf fighting against monsters Grendel and ...
2.2The Canterbury Tales(1387-1400)Outline of the story:a group of 30 pilgrims decided to tell stories to entertain each other on their way to and back from Canterbury.It is a competition,judging by the host of the inn. “The Prologue” It is the greatest portrait gallery in English litera...
百度试题 题目The story of _ is the culmination of the Arthurian romances. A.Sir Gawain and the Green KnightB.BeowulfC.Piers the PlowmanD.The Canterbury Tales相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 A 反馈 收藏
4. The story of _a_ is the culmination of the Arthurian romances. a. Sir Gawain and the Green Knights b. The story of Beowulf c. Piers the plowman d. TheCanterbury 5. William Langland’s _b_is written in the form of a dream vision. a.KublaKhan b. Piers the Plowman c. The Drea...
The Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷故事集 Thisisanimportantbook TheCanterburyTalesisabookofstories.becauseitisoneofthefirsttobewrittenintheEnglishlanguage.ThebookisaboutagroupoftravelerswhoaregoingfromLondontoCanterbury.Astheytravelalong,eachpersontellsatale(astory).Thisiswhythe bookiscalledTheCanterburyTales.Influenced...
The Canterbury TalesChapter IIFirst of all, there was a knight. He was a brave man who had fought for chivalry, truth and honour. He had taken part in wars in all parts of the world. Although he was a famous man, he was modest, sincere and polite. He was a perfect gentleman. ...
This work tells the story of 30 pilgrims who meet by chance at the Tabard Inn in Southwark, London, and journey together to the shrine of St Thomas Becket in Canterbury cathedral. To pass the time along the way, they tell stories to one another, shot through with cunning wit and dry hu...