The Story of Jesus for Children: Directed by John Schmidt. With Mikael Ayele, Brian Deacon, Brandon Gilberstadt, Rishi Kumar. This is the story of Jesus as seen through the eyes of children who might have lived during the time of Jesus. Follow the lives
A perfect introduction to Jesus for very young children! A gentle look at Jesus's birth, childhood, teachings, crucifixion, and resurrection. Written in a simple, warm style, with colorful illustrations that will captivate and inspire. JANE WERNER WATSON (1915-2004) was the original edito...
The Resurrection is not just a thing that happened in time, for Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. That is why Paul said that if Christ is not raised then you are still dead in your sins. The Truth of the Resurrection is not just that Jesus Died, it is that He arose,...
RESURRECTIONAPOLOGETICSPOLEMICSIn this book Allison revises and expands the lengthy title chapter from his 2005 essay collection, I Resurrecting Jesus i . Despite his book's subtitle, Allison is no apologist for the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus, at least not in any conv...
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ – Uniting the Body of Christ to Finish the Task and Reach 8 Billion People Worldwide
The Resurrection of Jesus: A Sourcebook.(Brief article)(Book review)Snyder, Graydon F
Perhaps you've heard the story of Jesus' resurrection all your life. Pray now, and then seek to read and study it as if for the first time. Let its truth touch your heart afresh. The Women Come to the Tomb (Luke 24:1)"On the first day of the week, very early in the morning,...
But to his right is the man who, 可是,对于犹太人来说,至少在他们的记事里, for the Jewish story at least, really matters - 基hearts;督hearts;右侧的那人,才是关键 St Paul. 他就是圣保罗 Born a Jew,like his saviour, was Paul,who within a few years of Jesuss death 保罗与其救主基hearts...
Since his student days, Gerd Ludemann has noted how both New Testament scholars and theologians have tended to be evansive about what actually happened at the resurrection of Jesus. How was Jesus seen? Was the tomb really empty, and, if so, what happened to the body? Dissatisfied with so ...
churchoftheresurrectionofjesuschrist网络耶稣复活教堂 网络释义 1. 耶稣复活教堂 ...华丽而不失典雅﹐宏伟高耸又错落有致的教堂﹐ 就是「耶稣复活教堂」(ChurchoftheResurrectionofJesusChrist) 也被称为「 …|基于3个网页©...