The Story of artemisThe article offers information on the Greek goddess, Artemis, the daughter of the Greek god, Zeus.New Moon Girls
The Story of Artemis and Orion There was an exception to Artemis’constant rejection and punishmentof males. This was when she met Orion, a giant hunter whom Artemis fell in love with. There were many variations of how their love story unfolded and ended tragically. Version One The first var...
Artemis and OrionOthers tried to rape Artemis; none of them lived to tell. The most famous story involves Orion, a long-time hunting companion of hers. In fact, he may as well have been Artemis’ only love interest. However, when he tried taking off Artemis’ robe, the goddess killed ...
Just as mainstream porn has a demarcation between all-sex videos and storyline features, the uncharted world of fetish videos has both outré storyline shows and unfortunately a plethora of dull, "nothing happens" videos like "The Harmony Riding Academy". Its footage, as well as its preservatio...
a great war fought between Greece and Troy; the Greeks sailed to Troy to recover Helen of Troy, the beautiful wife of Menelaus who had been abducted by Paris; after ten years the Greeks (via the Trojan Horse) achieved final victory and burned Troy to the ground; "the story of the Troja...
An over four millennium story behind qinghaosu (artemisinin)--a fantastic antimalarial drug from a traditional chinese herb. This article reviews the discovery and the further studies on qinghaosu and its derivatives or analogs over the last decades in the fields of medicinal che... Y Li,YL Wu...
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Subsequently, much of the great ancient foundational texts (the Homeric epics, the Aeneid, the Bible) can be understood in a large part as the story of how the alphabet created the modern world (see our article on the name YHWH). That said, our name Artemis may very well have been a ...
* Hidden Valley Road: Inside the Mind of an American Family, by Robert Kolker: The story of the Galvin family; parents Don and Mimi had 12 kids between 1945 and 1965 on what was an essentially middle-class salary. If everything had gone perfectly, maybe they could have pulled that feat...