She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life. ( 她可以看到在她家门前的空旷广场上,树梢都因春天的新生命而颤抖着。)The delicious breath of rain was in the air. ( 空气中弥漫着美味的雨水气息。)The notes of a distan...
这里我单独把Mrs. Mallard和Louise作为区分,也是想谈谈名字的更改对主人公心境的影响。分析一个小说,最重要的还是从文学的六要素来谈,这样既方便理解,也方便大家去分析其他文学作品。plot(情节), setting(场景), character(人物), point-of-view(观点), theme(主题), and tone(风格). 相信大家对这些词已经不陌...
"The Story of an Hour" has a total of four characters. Louise Mallard Louise is the main character in the short story. She is the wife of Brently and the sister of Josephine. She has heart problems, though the specific disease is not given. Louise is described as: "...young, wit...
Part 3: “The Story of an Hour”: Analysis 上海外国语大学英语系知名教授虞建华、梅丽、程心等《英语短篇小说》课程,该课程共分12单元,每单元包括两个部分:“小说要素”和“作品赏读”,前者是关于短篇小说/小说的一些理论知识,后者是具体文本的解读和评析,以前者引
In "The Story of an Hour," main character Mrs. Mallard finds a surprising freedom and joy after being told about her husband's death. Her sister, Josephine, tries to comfort her and worries that she will become ill, and this provides an important contrast. The story's tone is filled wi...
文案the story of an hour kate chopin一小时故事.pptx,The Story of an Hour Kate Chopin The Story of an Hour Kate Chopin TitleThe title of the short story refers to the time elapsed between the moments at which the protagonist, Louise Mallard, hears that he
In the short story, “The Story of an Hour,” author Kate Chopin presents the character of Mrs. Louis Mallard. She is an unhappy woman trapped in her discontented marriage. Unable to assert herself or extricate herself from the relationship, she endures it. The news of the presumed death ...
In “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin, She creates the character of Mrs. Mallard as an unusual, fragile lady to create a story of hardships and lack of freedom. Mrs. Mallard faced constraint with her husband, but when she heard the news of her husband's death she, at first, ...
the_story_of_an_hour.The story of an hour is an 19thcentury society crying of the open window feminism.From this story ,we learn that feminism means freedom,pursuing gender equality in man dominated society and exceptional openness about human sexuality. From the beginning of the story, we ...