She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance. She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister's arms. When the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her room alone. She would have no on...
thestoryofanhour英文鉴赏道客巴巴 A Feminist Perspective The storyThe Story of an Hour,written by Kate Chopin is a short but powerful story.The ending of the story of an hour halts sharply, without much space between the climax and the ending. The ending reveals the themes of the short ...
The delicious breath of rain was in the air. ( 空气中弥漫着美味的雨水气息。)The notes of a distant song which some one was singing reached her faintly, and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves. (一首来自远方的音乐音符隐隐约约地走到了她的面前,无数麻雀在里面叽叽喳喳檐。)作者...
the story of an hour文体分析 "the story of an hour" by kate ... The story of an hour 英文鉴赏 The_Feminine_Consciousness_in_The_Yellow_Wallpaper_and_The_Story_of_an_Hour英语毕业论文 Plot and Irony Analysis of the story of an hour Irony Analysis of the story of an hour a story of...
Thestoryofanhour英文鉴赏 1 AFeministPerspecve ThestoryTheStoryofanHour,wri enbyKateChopinisashortbut powerfulstory.Theendingofthestoryofanhourhaltssharply,without muchspacebetweentheclimaxandtheending.Theendingrevealsthe themesoftheshortstory, epitomizesthewringtechniquesthewriterused,reinforcestheplot ...
The Story of an Hour的书评。编辑于2018.11.22。 蛮久之前上课写的文学分析作业,现在看觉得需要做一些排版修改。现在再看,对这个小说总体思想把握基本和当初差不多,就不做修改了,有疑问可以在评论区探讨~ 一、小说内核 在最开始,我想先...
The Story of an Hour一个钟头的故事 They knew that Louise Mallard had a weak heart. So they broke the bad news gently. Her husband, Brently, was dead.“There was a train accident, Louise,” said her sister Josephine, quietly. Her husband’s friend, Richards, brought the news, but Jos...
比起Hemingway 的 the indian camp 来,the story of an hour 在我读来似乎就单薄的多,可能是一开始就被所谓的女性主义框架所限制,反而弱化了从文本本身去深入探索的心思。 上完课回来,也算是从已经获得的零零落落的Critical review以及自己的一点杂想外生了些新的想法。
英美小 说赏析 The story of an hour 绝对完整,高分!!!.doc,黑龙江外国语学院 2012-2013学年 第1学期 Term 1 2012-20123Academic Year Heilongjiang PAGE 1 第 PAGE 6 页共 NUMPAGES 6 页 A Study into Feminist Consciousness of The Story of an Hour Abstract:Accordin